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Rolemodels for Sprouts

Dreamed 2018/2/16 by Wayan

I'm a shaman in a bar.
A buzzcut scarecrow talks to me.
Claims he pandered ESP
experiments for the Ar

my. "This one's declassified.
The US and Chinese military
(both secretive and solitary
yet by chance in tandem) tried

ag games. Both marched columns, all
Heroes of Labor and Special Ops,
by fields of tender seedling crops
so they'd be inspired to grow tall."

I guffaw. "Veg-pride!" But he
blotches red in fury. "You
shamans sneer at patriots!" "True.
None of us plants or animals see

your tribalism's point--why y'all
conform like baboon troops. A wall!
Check your pockets--lost your third
eye. And sense of the absurd."

Crop plants excited by soldiers marching by. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


I no longer compare human tribalists to baboons. I have moved beyond cynicism.

Sorry, was that ambiguous?

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