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Artichoke Plate

Dreamed 1982/3? 4? by Katherine Metcalf Nelson


Alone with a white artichoke plate in my lap,
I stare into the center, a steamed artichoke surrounded by
petal-shaped depressions that are used to catch leftover leaves.
Puns surround me. ART-I-CHOKE!
Peeling off layers of professional life, I try to find the heart inside.

Artichoke plate drawn like a mandala; dream-art by Katherine Metcalf Nelson.

Source: Katherine Metcalf Nelson's Night Fishing, 1997, p.38

LISTS AND LINKS: food - fruits & vegs - puns - creativity - critics (inner or outer) - mandalas - pencil, prints & stamp art - more Katherine Metcalf Nelson

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