Below you'll find examples of Carl Jung's own dreams and visions; the Dreambank also has a broader sample of Jungian dreams
RELATED TOPICS: the four Jungian functions - Jungian shadow figures - dreamguides and animas - souls - shamanic dreams and shamanism in dreams - Freud - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
ATMAVICTU: by Carl Jung, c.1919/12/4; portrait of dream figure in a different phase of life Jung's ally in killing the murderous German archetype Siegfried was Atmavictu. Here he's worn out, turning to stone, ready to manifest as a different guide... |
DOVE GIRL: by Carl Jung; c.1912/12/25, the classic anima dream. In a castle, a white bird lands on the table and becomes a little girl who plays with Jung's kids, hugs him, then turns back into a bird, explaining "I can become human only for a few hours of the night, when... |
THE EGG CRACKS: by Carl Jung, 1914/1/10-1917/2/4; meditation-images A green monster guards the divine egg; with the right prayer, it explodes in a fountain of mad color, half grenade, half freed jinni... |
JUNG'S CELLARS: by Carl Jung, Aug or Sept 1909; his dream of the mind's structure--and a weird follow-up My home seemed antiquated but pleasant. I found a stair down to a darker, medieval floor. A dark stair led down to a Roman cellar. A trapdoor led down to a cave with ancient skulls... |
JUNG'S DRAGONS: by Carl Jung, 1917/1/17 to mid-1922; recurring dream/trance figures Jung's visions of dragons evolve from fiery destroyers to thieves who can be forced to give up treasure to peacful, luminous guardians of the sacred... |
JUNG'S PREMONITIONS OF WORLD WAR I: by Carl Jung, 1913-1914; five ignored warnings. Jung was told in dreams and visions that Europe would soon drown in blood. But he just couldn't believe it... |
THE LIVERPOOL TREE: by Carl Jung, 1927/1/2; a World Tree dream painted as a mandala In dark, grimy, rainy Liverpool, a friend shows me a park with an islet in a pond, where a great magnolia tree shines--an oasis of light... |
MANDALA: by Carl Jung, c.1915; a drawing he lied about for decades Jung, in crisis, drew a complex mandala, and then wrote about its symbols & archetypes, always claiming a patient had drawn it... |
THE MAN-EATER: by Carl Jung, 1879; a precocious formative nightmare. Jung (at age three and a half) sees a terrifying god deep underground, and is told "That is the man-eater!"... |
SHIP OF THE SUN: by Carl Jung, c.1917/1/10; trance image An version of the Egyptian Ship of the Sun with a mutant Osiris at the helm, in a monster-infested sea: image of the spark of consciousness in a sea of... |
SIEGFRIED MUST DIE: by Carl Jung; 1913/12/18, an archetypal (and predictive?) dream. Jung and a little brown man shoot down Siegfried the German Hero, riding his chariot of bones. Wait... his what? CAUTION: GRIM |
SPECTER OF THE BROCKEN: by Carl Jung, c.1893; early dream proposing the Shadow Jung walked against stiff wind and fog, sheltering a tiny light, generating a huge eerie shadow--his other self! He concluded this was his life-task--to nurture his spark of awareness & rationality in the dark. But... In hindsight his dream models four key Jungian ideas: Self, Ego, Shadow and Unconscious--at age 18! CAUTION: REJECTS JUNG'S OWN DREAM INTERPRETATION! |
TREE OF LIGHT: by Carl Jung, mid-Nov. 1922; a vision of the World Tree The cosmic egg nests in the branches of the tree of life, glowing with Muspel-fire. But the tree must periodically burn to regenerate life... |
U.F.O. PROJECTION by Carl Jung, 1958/10; an ego-humbling dream UFOs hover near enough so I can see they're truly lenses--lenses projecting images. I judged UFOs to be projections from our minds, but now I see I am their projection! |
THE WILD HUNT: by Carl Jung; Sept. 1922, a clairvoyant dream hinting what death is A huge wolfhound tore past me. My blood froze. The Wild Hunt was carrying off a soul... |
YOGI by Carl Jung, (April?) 1944; an ego-humbling dream Hiking, I come to a chapel where a yogi is meditating--on me. Creating me! And when he stops... |
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