Tree of Light
Visionary painting, (mid-Nov?) 1922, by Carl Jung
Jung, in his massive Red Book, painted mandalas and images from dreams and (more often) dialogs in a hypnogogic state which he calls "active imagination". This one, plate 131, appears to be nondream. A later portrait of this tree, plate 135 (more detailed, but visually cluttered; I prefer this one) has an explanatory inscription that applies to both:
"Completed 1922/11/25. The Fire comes out of Muspilli and grasps the tree of life. A cycle is completed, but it is the cycle within the world egg. A strange God, the unnameable God of the solitary, is incubating it. New creatures form from the smoke and ashes."
Europe, of course, partied until it burned. Oh well! E for effort.
--Chris Wayan
SOURCE: Jung's Red Book (2009), plate 131, plus footnotes p.309.
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