Visionary painting, 1919/12/4, by Carl Jung
Jung, in his massive Red Book, painted mandalas and images from dreams and (more often) dialogs in a hypnogogic state which he calls "active imagination". This is a portrait of Atmavictu, the dream-figure who as a young man helped Jung kill Siegfried the archetypal Germanic warrior. Now, years later, he's old and burned-out, in a phase of withdrawal before rebirth in a new form. He became another guide, Izdubar, who in turn was replaced by Philemon, and then by Ka. The footnotes alone describing this succession run a thousand words or more. Under the painting is this inscription--
12/4/1919. This is the back side of the gem. He who is in the stone has this shadow. This is Atmavictu, the old one, after he has withdrawn from the creation. He has returned to endless history, where he took his beginning. Once more he became stony residue, having completed his creation. In the form of Izdubar he has outgrown and delivered PHILEMON [in Greek alphabet] and Ka from him. PHILEMON gave the stone, Ka the [astrological sun-sign].
SOURCE: Jung's Red Book (2009), plate 122 plus footnotes p.305-6.
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