Patricia Garfield
Patricia Garfield was a 20th-century dreamworker who started in her early teens, and had perhaps the most massive dream experience of anyone since Jung; by middle age, she had shamanic, lucid, psychic and self-flagging dreams. She wrote Dream Notebook (1976; hard to find now), Creative Dreaming (1979; her best known), Pathway to Ecstasy: the Way of the Dream Mandala (1979), Your Child's Dreams (1984; haven't yet read these two), and Women's Bodies, Women's Dreams (1988), emphasizing women's life stages and the dreams they provoke--puberty, teen rebellion, love and marriage, pregnancy, home/career, menopause.
RELATED TOPICS: therapy & dreamwork for therapy - contemporaries Ann Faraday - Gayle Delaney - Montague Ullman - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
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BRANCHING WOMAN: by Patricia Garfield 1973/3/9 & '71/5/1, recurrent dream motif; art by Brenda Ferrimani I was at a dream conference and brought up a recurrent theme that others hadn't mentioned: multiple antlerlike branchings... |
BALLOON DRUG: by Patricia Garfield, 1974/2/3, a dream on thought-forms While writing about Tibetan dreamwork, I dream I'm on drugs and see myself in a mirror, first old & scarred, then young & sexcrazed. I think "This'd scare me if I hadn't been reading up on Yoga stuff!"... |
BREAKING THROUGH HER SHELL: by Mimi c.1985, as told to Patricia Garfield, a what-if dream A bride flies as a ghost, invisible, inaudible, sealed in a crystal shell; a guide shows her what'll happen if she can't shatter her armor and show her love... |
DECLARING INDEPENDENCE: by Patricia Garfield c.1946, Fiona '51, Lenore '58 & Helen '62 Four teens dream their moms are monsters: Patricia sees hers as a demonic doll, Fiona finds her mom's a wolf, Lenore's is a grinning vampire, and Helen's is a bossy, punitive octopus... |
DREAMSTONES: by Patricia Garfield; 1978/8/4, a dream of summoning a goddess In the cave, I chanted "Come Kama, Come Love..." and a procession of strange creatures came down the stone steps; squirrels, peacocks, a blue birdlike being with golden headdress, and then the Goddess of Love. Her form shocked me... |
FIGHTING MY FATHER: by Paul Tholey, c.1969-72, as told to Patricia Garfield, recurrent nightmares solved by negotiation After my father died he attacked me in recurring nightmares. I fought and beat him, but he always came back. When he showed up as a tiger, I negotiated, agreeing to make some changes. He's left me in peace ever since. |
THE FLYING POGO STICK: by Leah, c.1986, as told to Patricia Garfield, a comic nightmare Leah, pregnant, finds herself at the beach, flying on a pogo stick, just as all the seabirds do. Fun at first, but it gets out of control... |
THE GLASS MISSED ITS CUE: by Frederik van Eeden, 1904/9/9, a lucid dream experiment I knew I was dreaming but the world looked quite realistic. I struck a wineglass with all my strength--a risky act, if I were awake. It didn't shatter. But when I looked again, it lay broken! Like an actor who'd missed its cue... |
HEART AND LUNGS: by Claire Sylvia, 1987-88, recurrent dreams as told by Patricia Garfield After heart-lung surgery, Claire had dreams of her donor that told his name, his appearance and some of his behaviors. She contacted the donor family and verified these. Can dreams access nonbrain cellular memory? |
MULTIPLICATION RHYMES: by Jeff, c.1983, as told to Patricia Garfield, a problem-solving dream Jeff's stepson Lewis can't memorize the times tables. Jeff sleeps on it, but wakes only with a silly rhyme. But he chants it, and Lewis adds more rhymes--one per equation. He goes from class dunce to the best... |
THE NEW LAND: by Lynette, c.1985, as told to Patricia Garfield, a predictive dream The sea pours in the house, but Lynette swims and floats in the sun. When the flood ebbs, the land blooms into paradise. An oracle says "Your mom will die, but you'll help her through it"... CAUTION: SUBLIMINALLY SENSING ILLNESS, OR PSYCHIC? |
PRISONER OF DREAMS: by Margherita Guareschi, c.1951, as told by her husband; episodic dreams Margherita's dreamworld is lonely, empty, endless. She wanders on foot. Her husband gets her a bike, a patch kit, and when she crashes, hears her cry for help--while awake... CAUTION: MARITAL TELEPATHY OR ITALIAN HYPERBOLE? |
RED TO GREEN: by Patricia Garfield, c.1950, a punning advisory dream DREAM: I see the leaves outside turning from red to green, not green-to-red as usual in fall. AWAKE: I've been dating two boys called Red and Green. Guess my dreams have chosen... |
THUS BE: by Patricia Garfield, 1970/7/10, a worm-turns dream I'm overcharged at a grocery store--the checker confused my food with someone else's. I grab him, fly high up and drop him, splat. I chant "Thus be: Splat! Squashed flat..." CAUTION: DEATH PENALTY SEEMS A BIT MUCH |
TIL: by Patricia Garfield, c.1986, a mystical work-advice dream I'm a spirit flying over the dead, blessing them. They're in mass graves, sorted & grouped only by their life-stages--kids, adults, elders. Wait... is this how to structure my book? |
TWIN GODDESSES, or, LOGA-SHANA: by Patricia Garfield, 1980/12/26, a self-flagging psychic dream DREAM: at a dreamgroup, I tell a predictive dream that my artist friend's front tooth will get infected. Then we all chant "Loga-Shana!" THREE WEEKS LATER: my artist friend's front tooth gets a serious abcess... CAUTION: WILL TROUBLE E.S.P. SKEPTICS |
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