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Red to Green

Dreamed c.1950 by Patricia Garfield

As a girl of sixteen I dated a boy whose last name was Green. Simultaneously I was going out with a freckled, curly-headed young man who was nicknamed Red. I knew that my affection had crystallized when I dreamed the following:

I look out my living room window and am surprised to see that the leaves on the tree outside are turning from red to green!
Ordinarily leaves on a tree would turn from green to red. I was startled in my dream to see the opposite effect.

Awake, I realized at once that the dream expressed a shift in my emotional attachment from the man named Red to the boy named Green...

SOURCE: Women's Bodies, Women's Dreams by Patricia Garfield, 1988, p.72

LISTS AND LINKS: kids' & teens' dreams - dating - choice - colors - the power of names - the power of puns! - Mike's dream points out a similar choice: Blonde or Brunette? - more Patricia Garfield

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