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The Flying Pogo Stick

Dreamed c.1986 by Leah, as told by Patricia Garfield

The whole issue of being in control of one's life becomes important to the pregnant woman... Leah, for example, pregnant for the first time in her early thirties, was about five months along when she dreamed:

I am at a beach where there are lots of people. I see something and very intentionally walk toward it, making my way through the people and kids. It is a mechanism, a kind of pogo stick, with a place to put my hands and a place to stand on. I step onto it and begin to move it around to get the feel of how to operate the mechanism.

Then I am flying up in the air. People, kids, are below me playing. I see houses right by the water, people working, a lot of activity. At first it's kind of adventurous feeling. I'm interested in looking at all that's going on below. I see a client I had a lot of trouble with milling around on the beach. Birds are flying on the same mechanism.

Then I observe I'm getting way too high and I feel scared. I don't quite know how to operate it. I call out, screaming. My husband shakes me awake.

Leah went on to draw me a picture of this flying pogo stick and explain the very delicate, vulnerable mechanism that operated it. At first she was having fun in her dream, perhaps corresponding to the adventure of pregnancy. She was rising above her problems, represented by the troublesome client left behind on the beach. However, she soon felt she was moving too high, into an area where she didn't "know how to operate," and she panicked.

Pregnancy can give many a first-time mother the feeling that things are out of their control. Luckily many gain confidence in the process... pregnancy becomes a final step in the process of growing up.

SOURCE: Women's Bodies, Women's Dreams by Patricia Garfield, 1988, p.189

LISTS AND LINKS: pregnancy & birth - flying - birds - beaches - fun - out of control! - a second pogo stick dream (no, really!): Hope - more Patricia Garfield

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