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World Dream Bank Art Gallery: I-J

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Select a PICTURE to see just the picture. Select a TITLE to see the text or story with the picture.

I also dreamed

I am a silky

I am not a man:
the siege

I am not a man:
the krelkin

I am three

I am three

I am three

I and I

I and I

I and I

I and I

I didn't dive in

I do, we do

I fight for beauty
goddess of dreams

I fight for beauty
the venting shack

I fight for beauty
the non-crash

I fight for beauty

I fight for beauty
stained glass

I fight for beauty
Wyoming tipis

I fight for beauty

I fight for beauty
the nth waking

I got out! 1

I got out! 2

I got out! 3

I got out! 4

I got out! 5

I got out! 6

I got out! 7

I got out! 8

I got out! 9

I guess it was my birthday

I had a white bandage

I held the sun rose

I lost 400 lbs

I lost 400 lbs

I lost 400 lbs

I, meatball

I mist my sister pages 1-2

I mist my sister pages 3-4

I mist my sister pages 5-6

I mist my sister pages 7-8

I mist my sister pages 9-10

I never saw Jung die

I overslept

I thought he liked me

I tossed music

I turned off Jesus

I want my inheritance

I want my inheritance

I want my inheritance

I want my inheritance

I wanted to steal a pink...

I was a sex slave

I was a sex slave

I was a sex slave

I was a sex slave

I was an elephant handler

I won't die till love dies!

Icarian Pain: dancers

Icarian Pain: flying

Icarian Pain: nerd ghost

Icarus in flight on Lyr

Icarus girl singing on Lyr

The ice cream kiss

Iceberg wranglers

Iceberg wranglers

Ick! Dogs!

Ick! Dogs!

Id flowers

If only I could

If your heart...


Ignorable dragon



Ilarya's miracle

The ill-formed tale

The ill-formed tale

The ill-formed tale

The ill-formed tale

The ill-formed tale

The ill-formed tale

The ill-formed tale

I'll try

Illusionists don't rule

Illusionists don't rule

Illusionists don't rule

I'm a vesta, not a man!

I'm a vesta, not a man!

I'm all ears

I'm at my rainy...

I'm not the director

I'm not the pilot

I'm not the pilot

Immolation maze

Immolation maze

Immolation maze

Impersonal orgy

Impersonal orgy

Impossible ships

In a rehearsal room

In a strange livingroom

In El Rio

In Enemy Mine

In Enemy Mine

In Enemy Mine

In Io: a Wankel moon

In Io: swimming

In Io: two heads

In the big bookshop

In the Big Burn

In the Big Burn

In the course of work

In the fog

In the night of 13 Oct. 1942

In the shadow of man

In the shadow of man

In the shadow of man

In the star:
red giant

In the star:
scrawny unicorn

In the star:
unicorn ideal

In the star:
future lemur

In the star:
tiny treehouse

In the star:

In the star:
beach temple

In the star:
stormy pass

In the star:
pie pushers

In the star:
butterfly of business

In the vault: the Germanies

In the vault: me

In the vault

In the vault

In the vault

In the vault

In the vault

In the vault

In the vault

In the vault

In the vault

In the vault

In the vault

In Watsonville, California

Inaction painting

Incest improv

Incremental heavens

Indians occupy dance show

Indians occupy dance show

Industry's shore

Industry's shore

Inertial damper

Ink mountain

Insider dating

Insider dating

Internal scroll

Interpret those signs

Interpret those signs

Inuit meditation

Inuit meditation

Inversia: Arctica: polar view

Inversia: Arctica: Baikal Is.

Inversia: Arctica: Beringia

The investor dreams a wolf

Invisible girlfriend

Invisible Kyoko

Invoke the animal powers

Invoke the animal powers

Io: Amirani

Io: blurry hemisphere

Io: Boösaule Mts

Io: Bug 1

Io: Bug 2

Io: Bug 3

Io: Bug 4

Io: Caucasus Mts

Io: cigarette burns

Io: Colchis "Sea"

Io: Culann Patera

Io: Ekhi Fluctus

Io: Mt Euboeia

Io: Mt Grian

Io: Hi'iaka's spire

Io: Isum "peninsula"

Io: Lei-Kung mts

Io: Loki Patera

Io: Loki 2

Io: relief on Earth, Venus, Mars, Io

Io: mts at 80° W

Io: Nemea Planun

Io: Nile & Lei-Kung mts

Io: north

Io: Nyambe Mts

Io: Nyambe Mts to Ruwa Patera

Io: Pele

Io: Pele's vent: Danube planum

Io: Pele and Babbar

Io: Mt Pilan & Ionian Mts

Io: Mt Pilan & Ionian Mts

Io: plate?

Io: Ra Patera

Io: sharp hemisphere!

Io: south

Io: the Swirl

Io: the Swirl


Io: Mt Tohil

Io: Tvashtar

Io: Ukko Mts

Io: uncharted patch

Io: Vivasvant Mts

Io: volcanic cones

Io: Zal Dorsa

Irene's dream


Iron window

Irony: large

The irrationality of dreams

Is God God?

Is longing a right?

Is longing a right?

Is solitude holy?

Is the dreamworld round?

Is this the end?

Ishi and Snoid

Ishi and Snoid

Ishi and Snoid

Ishi and Snoid

Isis and Garr

Isis and Garr

Isis and Garr

Isis and Garr

Isis and Garr

Isis and Garr

Isle of the Blest

The island Furies

The island Furies

It is the only way!

It wasn't easy

It's too late!

Jack Daniels: bottle

Jack Daniels:

Jack Daniels

Jack Daniels

Jacob's ladder

Jacob's ladder


Jacuzzi jail

Jade jackpot

Jaguar mask

Jamie the sorceress

Jane Gifford

Jane Gifford

Jane Gifford

Jane Gifford

Jane Gifford

Jane Gifford

Jane Gifford

Jane Gifford

Jane Gifford

Jane Gifford

Jane in vain

Jane in vain

Janeway's tango

Japan, 4:34 AM


Jaredia: Africa

Jaredia: Europe

Jaredia: European coast

Jaredia: Arabia

Jaredia: India

Jaredia: Madagascar

Jaredia: West Asia

Jaredia: Tibet

Jaredia: Great Java

Jaredia: Australia

Jaredia: South Seas

Jaredia: Siberia

Jaredia: Japan

Jaredia: Bering Isthmus

Jaredia: southern Tortolia

Jaredia: Tortolia

Jaredia: Greenland

Jaredia: Caribbean

Jaredia: Amazonia

Jaredia: Tropica

Jaredia: Tropica map

Jaredia: Lemur ancestry

Jaredia: Feline anatomy

Jaredia: sea voyage

Jaredia: centaur

Jaredia: dominant species

Jaredia: crested saurian

Jasha explains death: p.1

Jasha explains death: p.2

Jasha explains death: p.3

Jasha explains death: p.4

Jasha explains death: p.5

Jasha explains death: p.6

Jasha explains death: p.7

Jasha explains death: p.8

Jasha explains death: p.9

Jasha explains death: p.10

Jasha: you who are...

Jasha: you're efficiency...

Jasha: when you make love

Jasha: very noble

Jasha: you're dying

Jasha: mysterious

Jasha: magical

Jasha: off subject

Jasha: but you die

Jasha: coffee

Jasha: take me for example

Jasha: all right!

Jasha: asparagus

Jasha: pee

Jasha: why respect death?

Jasha: Nixon

Jasha: champagne

Jasha: aw, I never

Jasha: I wish

Jasha: why not?

Jasha: twins

Jasha: faces

Jasha: be each other

Jasha: we're immortal

Jasha: redwood










Jean Arp's octopus

Jean Arp's octopus

Jean Arp's octopus

Jean Arp's octopus

Jennifer Montgomery

Jennifer Montgomery

Jennifer Montgomery

Jerry Brown's law

Jerry Brown's law

Jesse's death

Jessica the mermaid

Jessica the mermaid

Jesus heads

Jesus heads


Jetcats: Purr

Jetpack & tiger

Jetpack & tiger

Jetpack & tiger

JF, TB and me

Job well done

Job well done

Job well done

Job well done

Joe Cool in financial hell

Joe Cool in financial hell

Joe Cool in financial hell

John Brown's death

John Brown's death

John says goodbye

John says goodbye

Join the human race!

Joseph & the Pharaoh

Joseph & the Pharaoh

Joseph & the Pharaoh

Jos&ephine's dream

Joke pilot

Jovian revolution

Juana's rocket

Judge, flasher, pig

Judge, flasher, pig

Judge, flasher, pig

Judge, flasher, pig

Jung's dragons

Jung's dragons

Jung's dragons

Junk fiction?

Just say nose

Just sex & idiots
A -- B -- Ca-Ce -- Ch- -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- IJ -- K -- L -- M -- NO -- P -- QR -- S-Sh -- Si- -- T-Th -- Ti- -- UV -- WXYZ

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Titles: A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - IJ - KL - M - NO - PQ - R - Sa-Sk - Sl-Sz - T - UV - WXYZ
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