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Dreamed 1989 by MariNaomi
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This is a chapter from MariNaomi's 2011 book Kiss and Tell: a Romantic Resumé, Ages 0 to 22. I'd read a few of its stories in her comic Estrus, which I've followed for several years, but nothing prepared me for this.

--Chris Wayan

Opening page from 'Kiss and Tell', a graphic novel by MariNaomi; the Jason chapter.
Two pages from 'Kiss and Tell', a graphic novel by MariNaomi; the Jason chapter.
Two pages from 'Kiss and Tell', a graphic novel by MariNaomi; the Jason chapter.
Two pages from 'Kiss and Tell', a graphic novel by MariNaomi; the Jason chapter.
Two pages from 'Kiss and Tell', a graphic novel by MariNaomi; the Jason chapter.
Two pages from 'Kiss and Tell', a graphic novel by MariNaomi; the Jason chapter.
Two pages from 'Kiss and Tell', a graphic novel by MariNaomi; the Jason chapter.
Two pages from 'Kiss and Tell', a graphic novel by MariNaomi; the Jason chapter.
Two pages from 'Kiss and Tell', a graphic novel by MariNaomi; the Jason chapter.


At first glance, Mari's dream seems a minor element in this biographical tale--a grace note, expressing her feeling trapped. But it's not! Consider how many aspects of that dream work together to prod her to get out of Jason's crash-prone life:

So I'd argue the dream is the hinge to the whole story. It warned that Jason's embrace could be fatal. Without the shock of the dream, might Mari have stayed with him long enough to have died with him too?

Mind you, I'm not objective; I speak as one who's been there. Twice in my life, I've loved brilliant women whose lives were slow-motion crashes like Jason's. Both times, as the pressure grew unbearable and my life fell apart, I had nightmares warning me to leave--leave or die. And despite intense regrets like Mari's, I left. So I could live.

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: MariNaomi's Kiss and Tell: a Romantic Resumé, Ages 0 to 22, Harper Perennial, 2011. HIGHLY recommended!
© 2011 by MariNaomi. All rights reserved; do not repost/reprint (except brief excerpts for review) without permission from HarperCollins Publishers, 10 East 53rd St, New York, NY 10022.

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