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Dreamed 2010/4/22 by Madellyne Waugh
It was late evening, roughly: the light through the windows was soft and blue. I was being chased around my school's gym by an enormous insect. I was sure it was some type of wasp, even though it looked nothing like one. Another girl from my school (a grade younger than me) was trying to convince me not to worry and that the bug wasn't trying to sting me, bite me, or whatever it was that I was afraid of it doing to me. I ran from it anyway.
- Last year, I had a dream about me and the rest of my grade running and hiding at school from some unknown group of hostile beings. It was every person for themselves, and I was hysterically scared. It was probably the worst nightmare I ever had.
- Interpretation: I'm probably scared of some aspect of my life, so I try to run from it. Before, it was some complete unknown that I was terribly afraid of and had to face on my own; now I can see what I'm running from, it's not as scary, and I have someone trying to help me and convince me that I have nothing to be [I originally typed "bee". Can you say "Freudian slip"?] afraid of.
- But that wasp... WASP as an acronym stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, historically (and presently) the most privileged group in American society. So the wasp could be guilt over being born into a comfortable, privileged life while others aren't nearly as lucky. It would definitely fit with my personality.
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juvenilia - an earlier pun-dream by Madellyne:
Kneading Dough
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