Galley Slave
Dreamed 2008/11/27 by Wayan; Dreamverse #47
Here's an example of an odd, neglected type of dream described by Havelock Ellis, a contemporary of Freud. He thought many dreams explore multiple meanings of a word or phrase (or aspects of an idea or image) that's never actually seen or heard in the dream: implied puns. And the dreamworker's job is to catch it.
Drumming stumbles off the lawn, relentless--
echoes in the gloom. And this a writing class! I gave three shorts for feedback. But past that beat, I can't hear classmates' words, can only grope for agitated stance or voice. I hope to agitate! My first two tales? Indifference. But my third upset!
Our bone-beard teacher hands me a scribbled sheet
He washed up on a beach in Crete. The men
and taverna Cyclopes try Edysseus to pen!
Perched on the next desk: Marie. A few years back
we both took advanced music. Small, neat, brilliant as a cat. Blonde then, now brunette-- surprising, but ink looks good on her. Back then I was so shy--considered her above me--but now over the drums we talk free. She smiles "In that class
heartened--they cared! I blush, upset
than ever Ed. Whenever I raised that wall
Marie! From balls to soul, I feel again her pull,
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