Dreamed 1988/9/9 by Wayan
1988 NOTES
I look for meaning in my dreams. This dream fights back! A shaggy-dog dream deliberately climaxing in a silly pun. That's not a pattern read into random brain-static, not memory sorting, not a test-run to solve a problem, not a repressed urge, not a numinous archetype, not a message from the gods...
Other dreams may be all those--who knows? But this dream means Let's poke fun at the over-earnest dream researcher.
Fear not. Your dreams would never mock you.
2022 NOTE
I wrote this at a poetry workshop; the leader, Catshall, wanted us to try ghazals--couplets that each end with a recurring rhyme then a recurring word (an exact match)--"you again", "blue again", "shoe again"; in the first and last couplets, both lines should have the motif. AA, BA, CA, DA, EA, AA. Instead, Dill came out. All wrong. Oh well!
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