The Dance of Time
Dreamed 1996 or before by Suzanne Barbieri
I am in Salvador Dali's kitchen; everything is monochrome, including myself and Dali. He is showing me a book of Surrealist photographs; the images are collages and move as I am looking at them: there are shifting tower blocks, cars which are little more than streaks of light, and a man without a face dressed in a pin-striped suit and a bowler hat. I move to the window; the grey city outside is the same as the pictures in the book.
Now we are seated at the table. I ask Dali about Aleister Crowley; he tells me that Crowley was a true Magician but his methods are dangerous, and I should not follow that path.
Dali then gives me a white cardboard box. Inside, wrapped in tissue paper, are two mugs. The mugs are the only things that are in colour; they are a deep turquoise blue, and are decorated with gold astrological symbols.
I take the mugs, and am directed into another room. Everything in this room is in vivid colour. A glorious sunset filters through the glassless window, painting the walls red-gold. Seated in a high throne is Graham Chapman (late of Monty Python), dressed as a cross between a schoolgirl and the Hierophant, a Tarot trump from the Major Arcana. He turns to me and says, "I am the Dance of Time."
SOURCE: The Tiger Garden: A Book of Writers' Dreams by Nicholas Royle, p.11-12
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