The Dream Approaches
Dreamed and painted 1931 by Salvador Dalí
This quiet painting's not famous, unlike Dali's flamboyant Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate a Second before Waking. That one has his wife posing nude, guns, bees, levitating fruit, a elephant on stilts, and two tigers (since one tiger's not enough)--the whole Dalí circus. This one's more about that twilight state between waking and dream--"hypnogogia". It's the state he really got most of his images from.
But here, for once, he doesn't show off his cherry-picked trophies--"see what I caught?"--but the preconditions for a good dream-voyage. Space, time, quiet. Not enlightenment--endarkenment!
I couldn't find a complete version of this picture online; I painfully stitched together the best two (still apparently cropped) versions, with different palettes and exposures. So I can't be sure the color is true--or that it's not still missing some marginal slivers. The price of non-fame!
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