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The Dream Approaches

Dreamed and painted 1931 by Salvador Dalí

The Dream Approaches, painted by Salvador Dali. Click to enlarge.

This quiet painting's not famous, unlike Dali's flamboyant Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate a Second before Waking. That one has his wife posing nude, guns, bees, levitating fruit, a elephant on stilts, and two tigers (since one tiger's not enough)--the whole Dalí circus. This one's more about that twilight state between waking and dream--"hypnogogia". It's the state he really got most of his images from.

But here, for once, he doesn't show off his cherry-picked trophies--"see what I caught?"--but the preconditions for a good dream-voyage. Space, time, quiet. Not enlightenment--endarkenment!

I couldn't find a complete version of this picture online; I painfully stitched together the best two (still apparently cropped) versions, with different palettes and exposures. So I can't be sure the color is true--or that it's not still missing some marginal slivers. The price of non-fame!

LISTS AND LINKS: by the sea - night - beds - birds - hypnogogia - paintings - surrealism - that other Dalí: Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee...

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