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Cake Horse

Dreamed before 2000 by Colleen D. McManus, drawn by Jesse Reklaw.

Cake horse; dream by Colleen McManus, drawn by Jesse Reklaw

SOURCE: Jesse Reklaw's Dreamtoons, 2000,; selections from his online comic Slow Wave, in which Reklaw draws others' dreams.


Dreams of losing teeth are reportedly near-universal. But this one's a variant I've never seen--the living junkfood itself loses the teeth, not the dreamer!

Tooth-loss dreams have been interpreted all sorts of symbolic ways, going back to Freud--losing power, or your "bite" in life, or something. To me, that's silly. Why not take them literally as warnings about diet and tooth decay?

My literalism comes from (painful) experience. I don't eat a lot of sweets (not willpower, I just lack the taste for it), have few cavities, and almost no losing-teeth dreams. But for years I had this recurring fever; one symptom was that my gums often got small, painful infections. While ill, I had dreams about eucalyptus trees being slowly, sneakily logged and thinned: that is, I dreamed of receding gums. Once I started antibiotic herbs, my gums healed--and the dreams vanished.

--Chris Wayan

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