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Ants at a Picnic

Dreamed 1984/11/16 by Wayan

Antipodal caverns. A tight-lipped door.
Within, two grand anterooms soar
where two Ant Tribes eternally war.

Anticipatory, I pull out my hoary
pocket dictionary, English-Ant,
ant pidgin-croak my story.

They antswer, relieved. Invite me to
a picnic! They plant a broad blue
flantel blanket, then lay out a feast:
bowls of rice, spantgled with diced

carrot, fried egg, ant chewy black
sour... captured ants. This appalls,
but they don't feel they're cantibals--
neighbors an't people. A snack.

Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.



Drive to San Francisco with my friend Juliet to explore Ghirardelli Square. Shops, crowds, street performers, art. At last, tired, we rest and picnic on a high-up bench, watching the crowd of tourists below. And then Juliet, with great sincerity, utters that immortal cliché. "From up here, people look like ants." And I start laughing...

LISTS AND LINKS: caverns - weird dream beings - animal people - bugs - war - giving & generosity - food - You Are Lunch - nightmares - individualism vs. conformity - puns - dream humor - dream poems - predictive dreams & ESP in general - digital dream art - more ants: Man Triumph Ant, A Valley Near Hope, The Ant Representative

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