Dreamed 1981/4/21, cast as poem 2014 by Chris Wayan
Hot air swells and rises. Hot air Boyles.
So juggernaut gales roar up from Hell zeppelined by fire. That wind uplifts all souls. Monsoon sans end! For Hell repels. The blast relentless tempts, but not the lure we thought: doth loft (or fling) us Godward. And it's not only pinioned minions (plumed or bat) but mortals too. Surprise you? Oft theoclimatology bares not Paradise but Paradox. Devils must learn the trick of a fall
We mortals (slippery neuts, amphibious)
Elegant place, this rippleface where
Was that molten iron and brim
CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE: "began the Begin" was unconscious borrowing from the song "Begin the Begin" by Michael Stipe of REM. On the other hand, or wing, the first line misspelled "boils" because Robert Boyle first described how gas expands when heated, leading to convection--like thunderheads, or updrafts from Hell.
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