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Waymo Balloonists

Dreamed 2021/7/16 by Wayan

It's the near future. I'm crossing San Francisco on foot. A long slow hike--steep hills, stair-alleys, even a slide.

The Mission District. To the north, see a funny-looking round tower. No--that's a spaceship standing on sleek fins! Huge Chinese balloons all over my town--with exhibitionist balloonists. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

On the side are Chinese characters--wei, "in order to" and a baffling character like mo, "rub, wipe" but with a water radical added, and on the wrong side--the right side, when that form's meant for the left.

Still, the characters clearly mean Waymo, the self-driving car firm. Then I feel silly for puzzling out the Chinese--there it is, in smaller English letters, "Waymo".

There's a third inscription, but it's Cyrillic. CCCP, "the USSR". Huh? Maybe some idiocy the Party is pushing, how China's carrying the torch for the lost Soviet Union?

I think it's a moon rocket; China dominates lunar colonization, just as it plans to dominate Earth.

South of me is a sunken lot--used to be the Muni bus repair yard. Still an industrial yard full of gear, but not busses--blimps! They're house-sized, pudgy as well-fed goldfish, nearly spherical, but with props and fins. They too have "Waymo" in Chinese and Roman letters. Dozens are landing, with impressive coordination and speed (indeed, impossible). Pilots hop down from minimal harnesses.

The pilots are all on the small side--nearly all women. Makes sense I guess--less weight. What doesn't make sense is their clothing--a skimpy one-piece swimsuit. That can't be enough! It gets cold up there.

As a girl lands near me, I notice she's pulled the crotch of the suit to the side so her cunt's bare. An act of private rebellion? But then I see... others have too. A mass fuck-you to Party censorship? Or was she so bored up there she spends her flight time masturbating? I don't know. And they won't talk to me, even when I ask in Chinese "Ni bu leng ma, aren't you cold?"

America and China just aren't talking these days.

As the Chinese Communist Party takes over my city, takes whatever it wants, confident no one has the political will to stand up to them, I can't see any hope of avoiding a world war...

Except... those aeronaut girls aren't exactly the People's Liberation Army. Maybe they're out to liberate... themselves?



Today, giant Chinese balloons invading US airspace aren't a mysterious dream symbol; in February 2023, a huge white balloon with a ton of spy gear crossed the USA coast to coast. Some reports say such Chinese balloons have been snooping for years--just hushed up.

But in July 2021, civilians hadn't heard of this. Except, apparently, in dreams.

LISTS AND LINKS: time - the future - self-flagging dreams? - Only in San Francisco - balloons - maintenance & repair - writing, puns & languages - flying - babes, hunks & sexy creatures - clothes, brrrr!, nudity & exhibitionism - masturbation? - politics - weird dream humor - predictive dreams - ESP in general - pencil dream art

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