Teri Garr ("Flaming Bitch!")
Dreamed 1988/5/16 by Wayan
Drunk cowboys destroy themselves: that evening I'd seen Star Trek: the Next Generation. Three people frozen in the 20th Century revive successfully--but one's a country-western singer who drinks like a fiend--drowns his second chance at life just as he drowned the first.
No mystery where our leading lady came from, either. Just before bed, David Letterman interviewed Teri Garr. She really is like her roles, from Star Trek to Tootsie--spontaneous, kooky, insecure, self-interrupting. Flawed, but she uses her flaws to break out of boxes. Turns insecurity to insight! I admired her.
When I had this odd nightmare (creepy, yet I was safe--I'd control-burned my yard) I saw it as about men blaming women, blaming the victim--their flaming bitch. But I didn't see this invading MY liberal California suburb.
But during Trump and the wildfires and the pandemic, such nightmares became for me a common type: watching bubbas laugh and call names as they burn themselves, me, us, the whole fevered world. Examples: Set on Fire, Tidepool Decline, Shoved off a Cliff, Stallion, not Mare, Family Jesters, or Mermaid Versus Trump. Maybe you've had one too. Maybe while awake.
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