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Spider Crone

Dreamed 2019/12/20 by Wayan
for Stephanie Meyers

Halloween. Jungle. Olympic chill.
Find a path; head west, uphill.
It leads me all unwil-

ling into Crone Cabin. You must crawl
in that maw to face knob-knees. No doll,
no actor--squatted this dirt floor all

her century life. Leaf-shadows hide
her moldy spouse. They here abide.
Subsistence farm that did... subside

"Until the Moss had reached their Lips
and covered up their Names." I hiss
"Chronos, chronos." And chase

Exit. But the future-door's locked. Behind?
Moss has gagged the past-chink. Gone. I'm
trapped in the Shack of Time.

Brief uneasy talk with the Crone.
She wants me to clean her lair: "Begin
by wiping the cobwebs off" those low

oval windows--but one. She lives on
that one dim web. She's spidering slow.
Or was one, all along.

Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.



Now, in the middle of the coronavirus lockdown, looking back at a dream I had just as the first viruses were scuttling into California unnoticed... I suspect a pun. Crone, Chronos... Corona. The plague that makes you moulder away... at home... forrrrevvvvverrrrrrrr.

LISTS AND LINKS: book-inspired dreams - forest - old age & Death personified - prisoners & freedom - spiders & webs - goddesses (Spider Grandmother) - Native Americans - mentors & guides - health advice - cleanup! - ink & feltpen dream art - dream poetry - Dickinson, Emily - Olympic Peninsula - Covid pandemic

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