Dreamed 2012/1/22 by Wayan
Achy neck, head. Worst I've been in a while. Lyme disease flaring up. I'm taking antibiotics and as it kills off Lyme spirochetes, they release toxins resembling botulin, so my joints hurt: the Herxheimer reaction.
I'm trying to sleep on my pianobed, an instrument my friend Mike built for me long ago. A sort of mattress in a fat curvy L shape, like a grand piano.
I search for the controls and power; it's been a long time since I played it. Finally trace a wire round the edge a long way and find a black control box. Click it on, but... how to play a pianobed? Gotta relearn from scratch! Maybe if I thrash around like an uneasy sleeper?
And thus... thrash music is born!
And that's just as true for you readers who DON'T have Lyme. At least those of you with bodies.
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