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Peeling Her Skin

Dreamed 2020/10/20 by Wayan

Meet a friend with a weird aura--shambling, scattered energy. She sort of flirts (with her, everything's sort of)--bumps into me, wants contact. We roll around. Half sexy half silly. Fun.

A very short guy with a mean sneer opens a 3-page centerfold to show me a nude blonde. Pulls a razor and cuts the image. I wince. Weird!--the skin peels off, and underneath... fresh but subtly different skin. An elaborate disguise--old or fake skin!

She's the girl I was rolling round with, now, or rather that girl's the disguise, and she peels off more, herself. Freeing herself.

Should I help? The new, real her still likes to roll around on the floor. Peels off more skin. Wiggling her naked body at me--this isn't sorta flirting. The new here is more direct. She wants me and I want her back.

But I came here with a ride who may be leaving soon. If I stay all night with her, as I want to, I may have to find my own way home. But it's probably worth it--I've been so nervous about sex lately, and Skinpeeler's innocent directness calms me down, reassures me. Very healing.

Woman peels off clothes--and skin! Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
Suddenly I recall how today I found a folder full of sketches of an old dream--comedian Suzanne Somers, back when she talked about sexual abuse, just got sneered at, and I dreamed that under that scorn-storm, she slowly shrank to child size, baby size, Barbie size! I never finished drawing it--felt embarrassed, feared readers'd sneer at ME too, and say it was about pedophilia, not sexism.

Ohh! This current scene echoes that shame about sex--no, NOT about sex! About being male when so many men ARE not just abusive but mock any attempts to change it. From the President on down.

Well, I'm getting a second chance to resolve that. Weird though Skinpeeler is.


LISTS AND LINKS: flirting & seduction - skin - peeling, nudity & exhibitionism - masks & disguises - truth & lies - gender - bias & discrimination - politics - advice in dreams - more dreams on Three's Company & Suzanne Somers: Black & White, or Color? & Birdsuit! - pencil dream art

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