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Black and White or Color?
Dreamed 1984/2/19 by Wayan
I turn on the TV and see a black & white scene--a woman in a dancer's leotard. She has a sexy, rather feline face. I wonder if she's black and white due to poor reception, not the signal, so I poke at the antenna atop the set. She blooms into color!
I turn on the TV and get the sitcom Three's Company. Chrissy and Janet are doing yoga in leotards... in black and white, just as in the dream. I poke the antenna, and it bursts into color--as in the dream.
Well, mostly color. Chrissie and the background are colorful, but Janet (who I always see as rather feline, and quite as sexy as Chrissie despite her assigned role as the Foil to Chrissie's Ditz) is in a charcoal leotard and white tights--she stays stubbornly black and white.
I see two messages here.
- Dreams can be predictive. One argument against ESP is that a zillion dreams (and events) happen daily, so some dreams inevitably do come true. But what of images that aren't so common, like this? Its kooky specificity makes coincidence less likely. But also...
- Folk belief says most dreams are black and white (yet I normally dream in color. You?) This dream seems to be arguing we can't blame DREAMS for colorless scenes, in any sense! Freud thought we censor and dull-down uncomfortable content; Calvin Hall thought we just forget details. But my dream blames neither censorship nor amnesia, but a fixable glitch--poor reception of a color signal. Can dreams be weakly or incompletely experienced by the 'audience' portion of the brain? After all, waking visualization is impaired by drugs, fatigue, illness and distraction. So can dream-signals turn garbled and weak? Surely not! We're not tired, malnourished, overmedicated or sleep-short. Not us.
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more dreams on Three's Company & Suzanne Somers:
Birdsuit! &
Peeling her Skin
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