Oral Orgy
Dreamed 1983/8/24 by Wayan
I'm watching a PBS show that suddenly goes wild. The TV actors drop their roles, and clothes, pairing off to have an oral orgy, doing 69 all over the screen, happily licking and sucking. And looking out at us! Clearly turned on by doing it in public like this.
They'll get fired, I suppose, but they seem to feel it's worth it. It's obvious their excitement's no act! Intense and real.
While I draw, I listen to National Public Radio, the audio sister of PBS--a call-in show comes on, about teenage girls and sex.
One caller points out how much harm's done by defining "all the way" as heterosexual coitus only, instead of orgasm by any means--when coitus is the riskiest sex for girls, both for pregnancy and disease transmission. Oral sex is both more reliably orgasmic and far safer.
Strange--the talkshow host doesn't just dismiss the point, but kinda patronizes that caller: basically says "Well, you've got an oral fetish, but that's just you."
Not so. That call had a point with serious implications: if you treat different types of sex as interchangeable, you blur real differences in risk and reward. You wouldn't generalize about types of lover, treat everyone as interchangeable, would you? Why then blur together types of sex itself? Some practices ARE safer (and, on average, more fun...)
If I'd heard public radio dismissing that call for an Oral Orgy, and then dreamed public TV acted it out, I'd have taken it for granted the dream was a comment on the broadcast.
But I dreamed it the night before I heard the show! Should I suddenly deny any connection?
I can't. I've had approximately one thousand such dreams violating linear time! Time's as varied as sex is, and linearity is just its... missionary position.
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