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My Spleen Is Out to Do Me In

Dreamed by "Ned", 1979 or before

Ned, a jealous husband, went to bed one night very angry because his wife was out late having dinner with a male graduate student, helping him with a paper. The student was writing a thesis on medical ethics and had telephoned her because he had heard that she was a journalist who had been particularly interested in the subject.

Although Ned rationally knew his wife was enjoying an innocent dinner with a bright and probably flattering student, he was very jealous...

He wrote out much of his anger in his journal. He paced the floor and finally went to sleep alone. He had a startling dream that came without any specific invitation beyond his extensive venting of his anger in his day notes:

I think I've had an operation. In any case, part of my spleen is out of me, and the doctors are experimenting with it to bring to it a life consciousness of its own.

Now it hates me and is out to get me. You can't stop science from experimentation, even if it is dangerous.

I start to awaken in fright trying to forget the dream.

The morning after the dream. Ned was a little less self-righteous in his expression of his anger and began to explore with his wife the possible reasons behind his intense jealousy.

SOURCE: Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney (1981 ed, p.83-84)

LISTS AND LINKS: relationship advice - envy & jealousy - surgery - self-sabotage - puns - weird dream humor - diagnostic dreams - anger - more Gayle Delaney

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