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The Moons of the Next Ten Days

Dreamed 1983/3/7 by Wayan

I stand in the mudflat junkyard
peering up at both moons.
A peel of crust unrolls

like a scroll, a rind
off the melon moon.
The lunarpeel unwinds

like moviereel, reveals
Earth's cloud-fingerprints: our
weather soon to come.

The moons fleet-shadow, dapple
Earth's sea-face. Cool our winds,
lure our tides, in a waltz of three.

So we can the next ten days foresee.
The moons will team to make
the next two days turn dark:

swallow one full-noon. Eclipse.
Then two days with nearly no
night at all--the twins full glow!

Then little sistermoon will hide;
the world bereft, as unimooned
as that lonely waking Earth

I undreamed I lived upon.
What then, past ten?
Unknown beyond.

Silhouette: I watch two moons rise. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


LISTS AND LINKS: moons - other Earths - climate - light & shadow - predictive & psychic dreams in general - diagnostic dreams - self-flagging & dreamwork - same dreamer, same night: Ronald Reagan Stole my Soul! - a dream-Earth tinted by Ring-Shadows - two moons prompt me to twist the dream- Saturation Dial

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