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The Möbius Strip of Grief

Dreamed between 2004-2008 by Ruth Stone

When I went into the room where you waited,
you said you were not staying here with me.
Angry, I went back to get an ice pick
where a large block of ice lay on the stairs.
It froze my fingers when I tried to lift it.
I am not a murderer, even in the brilliance
of sleep where poems are three-dimensional.
How often you come this way
in your cold contempt for my ignorance.


As the title warns, this isn't quite what it seems. He'd already left her--by suicide. Her grief is rage, her rage is grief. The two sides are one, as on a Moebius strip.

--Chris Wayan

Source: What Love Comes To: New & Selected Poems, by Ruth Stone, 2008, as reprinted in The Essential Ruth Stone edited by Bianca Stone, 2020.

LISTS AND LINKS: anger - love - breakups - surreal dreams - ice - hot & cold - sharps & blades - nagging & criticism - suicide - grief - dream poems

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