Mafia Dentist
Dreamed 2007/7/10 by Wayan
I'm due to see a dentist
in Santa Cruz at four; I'm searching for his office, door to door when a black limo glides to halt.
He croaks "get in" in an ugly way.
A dental chair is bolted to that iron limo floor.
He pierces my throat with a vegetable tie,
I feel like a calf with a nose-ring
But would I mute? The flimsy tie-
He mumbles "We won't maim or
cripple ya too bad, but see, I gotta aim a message to your dad." He and my father are mafia leaders
All my relatives are crooks.
At five they dump me back on the street.
But here's one for YOU: touch me again
you drag me back in your hells.
I did not get run over, or dentisted, or mafiad, or anything. I'm still puzzling over this dream. This dream that said it was a message. Only not to me--to my dad. Who's dead. And, while he lived, didn't believe in dreams.
I've been trying therapy monthly--all I can afford. So I went today again, and talked over the Mafia Dentist dream. No conclusions, when the session ended at ten to four. So I got on my bike, and...
At four PM I was trapped by
the light at Gough and Fell, when a middle-aged black guy walked out of flashback hell! Obese he was, as near-obscene
I dared not ask if he worked on teeth--
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