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Jill's Contrasting Dreams

Dreamed 1990s by Jill, as told by Stanley Krippner

Some dreams about the unborn baby may foretell future events, as in the case of one of our students, Jill. Jill was about six weeks pregnant. One night she had a fever of 104 degrees and had the following dream:

There is a little boy in a black suit standing on the garden side of a glass sliding door. He was looking into the bedroom with tears streaming down his face. I am sitting in bed and around me are women, family, and friends. They are all wearing black.
This dream caused Jill great concern. Soon after, she visited her doctor, who told her that the fetus had stopped growing and that the pregnancy had been terminated. The black in this dream represented mourning. The boy was standing outside the glass door on the "other side," looking in. To Jill this indicated her fetus had passed through the threshold of life.

With her second pregnancy, Jill had another high fever. She was understandably worried about the safery of her baby, and she had the following dream:

I am sitting in bcd and in front of me there are rows and rows of children, or angels with wreaths on their heads, and they are all singing.
Jill woke up with the felt sense that her child would be fine. To Jill, the rows of children signified the abundance of creativity, and their singing was a positive feeling that gave her assurance that the baby would be healthy.

Jill did not experience any difficulties with her second pregnancy.


This isn't an isolated case. Krippner adds "Researchers at Johns Hopkins University interviewed 104 pregnant women who had chosen not to know their babies' gender through prenatal testing. Of those who based a prediction of the baby's gender on a "feeling" or a "dream", 71% were correct, and all the women who cited a dream were correct." Dreams during pregnancy that are clearly about the pregnancy should be taken seriously.

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them by Stanley Krippner, Fariba Bogzaran and André Percia de Carvalho, 2002, pp.64-5.

LISTS AND LINKS: pregnancy, birth & babies - oracular & diagnostic dreams - kids in dreams - tears & grief - death - music - subliminal or ESP? - more Stanley Krippner

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