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Recurring dream figures, c.2020/12/12, 2024/3/23, and 2024/4/13, by Emily Y. Chan


Here's a series of dream paintings by Emily Y. Chan over several years, showing a dream figure evolving over time...and finally fusing with the dreamer!

--Chris Wayan

DUST STORM, c. 2020/12/12

In this dream, I met this young assassin girl with the power to control dust and small particles.

Now I like to think that she just gives people severe allergies .

'Dust Storm', a dream painting by Emily Y. Chan.

HUNTER RHO, c. 2024/3/23

I had a dream I met a girl named Rho, who hunted monsters and spirits with a weapon I didn't recognize.

'Hunter Rho', a dream painting by Emily Y. Chan.


I had a dream I was a hunter with a portable, drone-like vehicle. I'm not sure what I was hunting, but I took a rest in a foggy parking lot.

--Emily Y. Chan

'Cyberpunk Hunter', a dream painting by Emily Y. Chan.


Notice how the first figure's nameless and an assassin (or maybe just gives you allergies). The next has a name, and hunts monsters (rather than being one!)--seems like a step up. In the last, dreamer becomes hunter! Whatever these dream figures are, she's incorporating them. Carl Jung would approve!

A nice lesson for dreamworkers--in patience. These figures span four years. Dreams play long.

--Chris Wayan

Dust Storm: mages & magic - storms, quakes, floods - crime & criminals - diseases - allergies & environmental illness - Jungian Shadows?
Hunter Rho: cities - the future? - post-apocalypse? - hunter & hunted - monsters - guides & guardians - guns - the Power of Names
Cyberpunk Hunter: cities - night - clouds - the future? - bikes - levitation - bows & arrows - I'm Just Not Myself Today! - identity-bent dreams - weird dream jobs
General: recurrent dreams & integrating dream figures - Jungian dreams in general - digital dream art - more Emily Chan

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