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Hidden Intent

Dreamed 1978/10/21 by Wayan

On a pier, cultists bow & pray to a guru hid in tent; dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

I'm on the Pacific coast of the San Francisco Peninsula, staring in surprise at a huge bridge heading straight out to sea. Endless--fades into haze. Well, into ships, radar installations, radio towers... almost none of the horizon is open sea. For a moment I think I'm in Hawai'i, looking at the channel between the Big Island and Maui, crowded because it's ALL coastal water. But this isn't; off Northern California is deep sea for thousands of kilometers.

Looking closely at the bridge, my sense of depth is unnaturally vivid and precise; the spans recede to infinity visibly, in stereo vision, not flat as far objects do in the waking world. As if my eyes were miles apart!

Drive along the shore. Stop to look at a long pier where at least ten thousand people kneel and bow, facing the sea, like Muslims with a bad compass. These disciples' cars are parked on a strip to the right of the pier, color-coded herringbonily. I am attracted to their cult's dedication and austerity, but they also seem subservient to their spiritual teacher, and he's in a tented pavilion out on the pier, hidden.

Think "I don't trust leaders I can't see and hear! This guy has hidden in tent--"

Then I hear my own pun, and wake.



Don't trust cult leaders, all right. Over the last week, news has trickled in of the Jonestown Massacre--cult leader Jim Jones killed hundreds of his own followers. At first it was thought to be mass suicide via poisoned Kool-Aid; but survivors who fled into the woods say it was mass murder: reluctant followers were forced to drink at gunpoint.

On a pier, cultists bow & pray to a guru hid in tent; dream sketch by Wayan.

Now I wonder if that enhanced parallax/stereoscopy, as I peered deep into the dream-sea, was a prompt trying to flag the dream as gazing outward across time, not just space. Such self-flagging is little mentioned in dream research, but it's quite as interesting as dream ESP. If real, it shows the dreaming mind not only knows what it's doing, it knows the waking mind often needs nudging--"hey, stupid, this one's not about your immediate concerns--it's looking out into the deeps." Out not in!

LISTS AND LINKS: by the sea - bridges - perspective & stereovision - cults - tricksters - masks & disguises - politics - dream advice & warnings - puns - predictive dreams & ESP in general - self-flagging dreams - Jonestown, Guyana - bridges span the ocean again in Vrillassa's Only Priest

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