Gimme Your Car!
Dreamed 1987/9/16 by Wayan
Night. I'm working with a woman to re-install a removable seat in a car, to balance a seat moved earlier. Slowly I realize it's my own car--my old hippie bus. Can I drive it, now that we've balanced it?
Well, no. Because she wants to drive it for me.
But I suspect something's still wrong with the car. Walk round it. Find it's balancing on just three tires! The one under the driver is missing. Look around for it. Nope. Who took it?
She still wants to drive. Says "It's tipsy, but I've driven it on three wheels before." Suuure! Some car, somewhere, maybe, though I doubt it. But not my antique VW bus. I wouldn't have let her.
Do I trust her to now? Hell no!
My housemate Liz comes in and demands a lesson in driving my cranky old hippie bus. Right now. It's nearly midnight!
"So I can borrow it tomorrow!"
I felt reluctant not only because I don't trust her with it or it with her, but because she took it for granted I'll comply. Pushy!
But also... predictive. "Pushy girl wants to drive my unreliable car"--does that summarize last night's dream, or tonight's dilemma? Both.
Say no, Wayan--you've been warned.
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