Fever Dream on the Eve of Illness
Dreamed by Joyce Carol Oates, Christmas Eve, 1978 or 79?
A tower of flesh how tall it was
"Without your blood's heat and the moist
what a Christmas Eve |
Before coming down with a prolonged illness, a form of flu, I was instructed in a dream that my body had the function of a kind of tall, warm building, a tower of flesh, that protected innumerable tiny creatures from the killing cold of the universe. My "sickness" was in fact their survival and nourishment. Though the dream did not alleviate the symptoms of the illness, it put me in a curiously tranquil, philosophical state of mind which is sometimes still available to me if I summon it back.
SOURCE: Dreamworks: an Interdisciplinary Quarterly, v.1 #2 (summer 1980), p.123.
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