Falling into a Tesseract
and Meeting a Being of Pure Energy
Dreamed c.2019/11/7 by Dustin Latham
As I fell asleep I started to see geometric patterns, even when opening and closing my eyes. I managed to fall asleep and almost immediately I began to fall, though I saw my physical body still lying in bed. As I fell I saw different parts in my life, starting from when I was young. One scene I remember vividly--I saw myself when I was about six. Standing next to me was Jesus. His hand on my shoulder. The significance of that is, when I was a kid I went through things I wouldn't wish on anyone, and at that moment I saw who helped me survive.
I continue to fall and see various points in my life. I begin to fall faster, and turn over, falling face down. I see a tesseract come into view. It's unimaginably immense, and it's bright everywhere--every color you can imagine is shining like crystals, and I can hear a slight chime emanating from them as if they were releasing energy. I felt the greatest feeling of peace I can imagine.
An intensely bright being appeared and told me "This is where you will come after you leave the physical world; you will not be with your family because you have a greater purpose, but they will all be together in heaven." It also told me "It's not your time yet", but it needed to prepare my soul for an evolution to a higher being.
Immediately, I was sent back to my body, and I wake--it's the next day.
It was so incredibly real I can't forget it. I remember every detail.
I believe that pure being was God himself. The idea we have of what a god looks like is flawed in my opinion...
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