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Dreamed fall 1993 by Kjartan Arnorsson

'Dream?' page 1; a dream-comic drawn by Kjartan Arnorsson.
'Dream?' page 2; a dream-comic drawn by Kjartan Arnorsson.
'Dream?' page 3; a dream-comic drawn by Kjartan Arnorsson.

SOURCE: A Flock of Dreamers: an anthology of dream-inspired comics,
1997 (Kitchen Sink Press), ed. by Sasa Rakezic and Bob Kaufman; pp 25-27.

For me this is the anthology's best, both for its moral conundrum inside the dream, and his final question: why would a safe waking life engender this stark dream-dilemma?

--Chris Wayan, ed.

LISTS AND LINKS: war - hunted! - prisoners & freedom - rescue! - disability, beds & guns - oops! - choice - outcasts - guilt - dream-comix - ink dream-art - more from A Flock of Dreamers: Rick Veitch's Doppelgänger!

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