Down Under
Dreamed c.1976 by Kenneth John Atchity
'Cycling into Sydney
passed the grizzly bears, stopped to buy bananas
earnestly standing high.
condition of bear's teeth
town to the Inspector--
the bear was patient I
pedaled round the block &
banana on the street
as he lumbered good- naturedly in my wake.
only the peel remained.
I bade him step aboard.
around my shoulders, we
two bizarre banditos
--Kenneth John
The full dream account that this poem distills is long and drifty; he got distracted, the bear vanished and Atchity ended up at a car wash. The poem, he says, though it pares away a lot of detail, brings out the overall mood: a bit loopy, but joyful.
By the way, 'cycling here isn't bicycling but tricycling. Atchity says he had on-the-road tricycle dreams for years. And why not?
--Chris Wayan
SOURCE: Dreamworks: an Interdisciplinary Quarterly (v.1, no.2, summer 1980) p.146; raw dream & commentary pp. 144-5)
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