Dancing Robbane
Dreamed 2007/8/1 by Emily Joy; sculpted on waking. Crayola Model Magic (foam clay), acrylic paint, glass beads, cloth. 5" wingspan.
I'm molding a figure out of clay. It's my sometime-dream-lover Robbane. As I shape his face, the clay begins to move on its own. The sculpture is shaping itself! In my past dreams Robbane has had gossamer faery wings, but now his sculpture sprouts great white bird wings. Color blooms across the bare clay, no paintbrush needed.
Something rises slowly from behind Robbane's back. Two extra arms! Good for him, since the sculpture has no legs. Though a little disturbing.
It rather mocks the gracefulness of the dance. Does Robbane's right hand know what the left is doing?
Does anyone know what the other two hands are up to?
To take the Jungian point of view, these four arms may represent the four functions: body, emotion, mind, and spirit.
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