A recurring dream (like 1987/1/9 I'm a Krelkin) of a multispecies clan;
digital/pencil sketches 1998-2002, by Chris Wayan
I repeatedly dream I'm part of a mixed-race family. Usually we live by the sea--we're like that family in Virginia Woolf's "To the Lighthouse." Well, okay, not EXACTLY like them... they were all human. Our ancestors were a mixture of species, mostly equine and human. As a result, we kids vary a lot.
I think she's beautiful.
She also says "Sometimes I got treated as if I must be stupid"--a problem those of us kids with more human faces didn't get so much. Ironic, because she's one of the smartest in the clan.
My friend Perissa, the skinny blonde on the right, was visiting from Rome. I bet her twenty we'd see the redhead kitten at the next reunion, but she wouldn't bet against me. Perissa must have liked her too...
Snapshot of Equa and our distant cousin Charlotte, who comes from the puma side of the family. Charlotte breeds fish. They fascinate her. Equa says it's genetic but I say if it was, she'd eat them. Treats them like her babies...
My niece Lara was so cute, combing her stepsister Rose's tail. They're always so relaxed together, like one big body, a two-headed Roselara monster... Little Jamie, who's only ten, has a crush on them both and kept gawking, but was too shy to come down and join them, though they invited and teased...
I know I'm making it sound like the dreams are always idyllic. Not always, as the links below will show...
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