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1990, digital portraits of recurring dream-figures, by Chris Wayan
I've repeatedly dreamed I'm in a mixed-race family--horse, centaur, and human. As a result, we kids vary a lot. Usually we live by the sea; we were like the family in Virginia Woolf's "To the Lighthouse." Well, okay, not EXACTLY like them...
Anyway, the three of us on the beach are siblings--we just favor different parents. It's frustrating for Silky, the only sister without hands. She's a brilliant musician, but with a human mind in the body of a horse, she can only sing... unless you count the kazoo.
(I based these digital paintings on resort-ad photos of riders on beaches. Kept the layout and light, just fused the riders and their mounts...)
LISTS AND LINKS: nonhuman beings - centaurs - horses - love - families - dream siblings - beach dreams - the most vivid chain of centaur-family dreams: Centaur Quartet - shots from our family reunion: Clan Taur -
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