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Celebrity Attack!
Dreamed before 2000 by Pierre Dalcourt, drawn by Jesse Reklaw.
SOURCE: Jesse Reklaw's Dreamtoons, 2000,; selections from his online comic Slow Wave, in which Reklaw draws others' dreams.
Consider this dream in light of the advice given in many popular dream books: "If you can't recall many dreams, use an alarm clock." Say the alarm wakes you around...
- Panel 1. Your dream says media rolemodels are makin' you feel awful, and you can't fight back. Overwhelmed.
- Action: None. You're doomed & helpless.
- Panel 2. Now you're complicit--even as they beat you, you beg for autographs. And they pause to sign! They need the fans they abuse. Grim humor.
- Action: quit your celeb addiction.
- Panel 3. Now you've found a way to monetize their assault! You're getting even.
- Action: Be clever. Capitalize on your victimization somehow. Cash in! You deserve it, if only in revenge.
- Panel 4. You can outsmart them. Expose their abuse--in bronze, in stone! But you may fake a bravery or aplomb you didn't really have.
- Action: you're as image-conscious as any celeb. Watch out or you'll even lie to yourself--pretend you LIKE being battered by media.
The complete dream is complex, cunning and subtly self-critical. But if you'd set an alarm and woke with a partial dream, it'd look simple--falsely so. And this is often true. Don't jump to conclusions about dream-fragments! Ask for a replay the next night, and the next; don't rush to judgment. Dreamwork plays long.
--Chris Wayan
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