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Dreamed before 1998 by Carl Linkhart

Your Grandma's playing geisha-spy. l'm trying to
bathe but... there are boat people in the tub!
Like pallid green fungus, the critical eye is creeping
into every corner. The shower might cleanse me
in holy-ghostly jubilation and wash away sorrow
or even fear. I should drop my mask and lose this
embarrassment but my inner Grandma just won't
leave. She's always there, leering coyly behind
her fan.
'Boat People in the Tub', a dream painting by Carl Linkhart.

SOURCE: Suspense Above the Pool by Carl Linkhart, (Chamberly Publications, 1998; p.76-77 )

LISTS AND LINKS: bathing & cleanups - water - nudity - privacy - embarrassment - masks & disguises - family - outsiders & refugees - politics - dream poetry & paintings - more Carl Linkhart - Wayan's disturbing Granny: Ear to the, uh, Wall

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