Walter de la Mare
English writer Walter de la Mare (1873-1956), best known as a poet and novelist, also had a lifelong interest in dreams, altered states, and what he suspected were memories of at least a couple of other lives--past lives, or the lives of others he somehow tapped into in dreams.
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BLACK PUPPETEER: by Anonymous #2; 1930s, an eerie dreamlet. My friend F. saw a child whose every move was controlled by a weird figure behind her... |
THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF AN ANT: by Walter de la Mare; 1920s, a tutelary dream. The book's first two pages showed an ant's awareness, then a human's wider grasp--both mere freckles on reality... |
DYING ONCE, DYING TWICE: by Walter de la Mare; c. 1920?, two dreams of death. My only chance of life and freedom is to leap. He raises the gun and fires. I'm flooded with a soundless explosion of light... |
ORB: by Walter de la Mare; before 1939; a feverdream image I held the strangest and most entrancing object I have ever seen: the very citadel of life itself!... |
THE OTHER LAND: by Walter de la Mare, c.1881-4; an episodic or "installment" dream series Age 7 to 11, I often dreamt I inhabited a consistent geography of mountains & deserts. I was an adult of dark complexion in non-European clothes; I spoke a tongue (and read a script) that I didn't recognize when awake... CAUTION: ADULT DRUG EXPERIMENT; PAST LIFE MEMORY? |
PRIMAVERA: by Walter de la Mare; 1920s, a dream persisting into day I dreamt the Goddess of Spring paraded by my house. I woke and leapt to my bedroom window, and there she was... |
UNFINISHED DREAM: by Walter de la Mare, before 1922, a dream of Faerie cast as a poem The dream land was beautiful, but seemed empty 'til I heard piping voices. An elven band! I gazed in wonder. But they could not (would not?) see me... |
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