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What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
BIKE OVER THE BELL CURVE: by Wayan; 2018/9/25; a surreal advisory dream I'm biking in a construction zone behind a car with a rounded top like a VW Beetle but with a flared skirt like a bell. It stops. I brake but go right up that fringe over the roof... |
BLUE SOUP, NO SPARK: by Wayan; 1985/6/1, an epic dream on outgrowing God A visit to a world where they fear blue soup ends in death and resurrection, so I'm pissed at my boss--God. CAUTION: DEATH, REBIRTH, SACRILEGE... JOB BURNOUT |
COYOTE PAJAMAS: by Wayan; 1983/12/17, a Dantesque dream-epic. I'm Coyote, keeping the Business Prophet from taking over Dante's Peak. But it turns too personal... CAUTION: IDIOTIC VIOLENCE |
CRUSHED BY NETLEY ABBEY: by a Mr Taylor; 1704? A warning dream. A English carpenter named Taylor demolishes Netley Abbey despite dreams warning he'll be crushed by stones falling from a window... |
CYCLONE REPAIR: by Anonymous #36; pre-1961, a forgotten warning dream Months ago, I dreamed of that exact wall--I fell and was hurt. So today I told my foreman I'd rather work on the ground. But by 11, I forgot. I climbed up to nail in some blocks... |
DESIGNER: by Wayan; 2021/4/8, a dream of being a mishmash god I'm a world-creator, lost in mist, unsure just what sort of people to make-- since I'll be joining them. I'm only sure what not to make--or be... CAUTION: NUDE, FURRY DEITY |
DESTRUCTION OF THE NIGHTMARE TOWERS: by Dustin Shuler; c.1955-1965, recurrent nightmare made performance art As a kid, when I had a fever I always had the same nightmare: a high brick or stone wall shaking apart, faster and faster. This scared me very much. Finally, in my teens, I... |
DEVILMENT: by Wayan, 2017/8/13, two dreams on Queen Bee syndrome, fusing Milton & Milton Friedman A Queen Bee devil kidnaps my grandniece; I kill her to free the child. Turns out even Hell's leaders are relieved. She returns as a satanic housing developer. Slicker this time, but just as crooked. Must I kill her again? CAUTION: DEVILS, VIOLENCE (NONGRAPHIC) |
DOGGIE IN THE WINDOW: by Wayan; 2020/1/2, an embarrassing dream poem The guest room has a giant plush doggie. Next thing I know, I'm humping her doggie style, on the windowsill where the girl driving the backhoe can see... CAUTION: CRINGEWORTHY SEX |
DRAGON BANNERS: by Wayan; 1987/3/19, a dream on the value of inner emptiness. A dragon's daughter seeking her inheritance defies a sneaky dragon-realtor out to own the world... |
FISHERGIRLS: by Wayan; 2.6M, 42 illus.; 1996/7/15; a sexy dream epic. I had an epic dream lasting subjective weeks--a true other life. It wasn't Earth and we weren't human. I was a teenage lemur, sailing with two friends into unknown waters--a rite of passage. One night, my friends curled round me, I saw I didn't WANT to pass the test, be declared a woman, marry, and have pups. I loved my girl friends. In a world lacking the very word, I was groping toward queerdom. Sailing into unknown waters! "Here be dragons," the old maps say. And they were right... 2600K loads slowly? Try it in parts: 1: HOME, 650K, 2: VOYAGE, 1200K, 3: BACK 750K. CAUTION: NUDITY, SEX, QUEER TEEN ANGST, ANTI-FUNDAMENTALISM |
FLIRTING WITH NAPOLEON: by Wayan; 1995/1/21, a future-oriented dream I'm a woman living in a space habitat. A new Napoleon invades us, and damages our life-support. I fight him--but I'm attracted, too. We need to ally to fight the second invasion... |
GIRDERS AND DUST: by Wayan; 1983/10/23; a dream touring the ruins of childhood. I dreamed I returned to a childhood park and found mostly ruin. But one magical thing survived... |
GOAT DARE: by Wayan; 1984/8/22, a sex nightmare. A girl and I climb a half-built tower to get some privacy from my nosy, sneering parents. But they find us during oral sex, and their scorn melts my girlfriend into a goat... CAUTION: SEX, HUMILIATION, FAMILY VALUES |
THE HEDGE KING: by Wayan, 1992/6/14, a gender-bent dream epic. I change sex to infiltrate a sinister castle, unaware its Lord can spot a shapeshifter--being one himself... CAUTION: A DISTURBING BEDSIDE MANOR. I MEAN, MANNER. |
IN THE BIG BOOKSHOP: by Wayan; 2020/6/28, a dream asserting another dream was prophetic! I'm in a construction zone behind the world's largest bookshop, telling a friend that late 2020 & January 2021 will be a mess. I hide that I know it because a unicorn in a dream said so... |
KNIGHTLY: by Wayan, 2019/2/12, a dream-poem on a wide time-vista Huge gold construction cranes loom over medieval castles. Not rebuilding, but hoisting knights to the heights. I get a ride up, and see a wide timescape... |
LEO'S DREAM: by Leon Krier, as painted by Rita Wolff; 1979, a mysterious dream. A marsh. One figure's wrapped in mummy bandages; another swims--or drowns. A ruin's being rebuilt. Out in the bay, a faint water-road leads to the open sea... |
LOLA: by Wayan; 1995/4/22, a wild dream: psychic, shamanic and... economic? How the hell do I summarize this? Lola, a werefox I'm hot for, becomes my feudal Japanese brother, and her fox-shape reappears as the truck-driving maid for a Han Dynasty lady. We counter the interdimensional energy vampires by importing ghost unicorns on sailing ships, who have an orgy. Two weeks later, it all comes true. Literally? No, but closer than you'd think.... |
LUNAR REPUBLIC BORDERGUARD: by Wayan; 1996/8/30 sculpture of 1995/11/14 dream. A looming figure on the border of the new Lunar Republic, who told me it's time to turn from war to art... |
MAGENTA SQUARES: by Wayan; 1991/1/27, a predictive art dream. My bedroom's full of magenta squares with stuff glued on. The room glows pink. A girl who's an expert on the marketing of such installation art gives me advice... Then I wake to find my housemate Sarah filling our flat with an installation of magenta... CAUTION: APPARENT E.S.P. |
THE MAGIC OF WRITING: by Diana Wynne Jones; 1974, mid-'77, '82, late '83, early '84, & '87; prediction, or causation? What I write in my books and think I have made up has a creepy way of coming true. I noticed it first... CAUTION: DISTURBING INVOLUNTARY MANIFESTATIONS |
MAJOR F.'S EXPERIMENT: by Major F., Nov/Dec 1920, dream experiment urged by J.W. Dunne DREAM 1: On green grass, a red & blue boat with a net draped atop. Predictive. DREAM 2: Climbing a ladder with square rungs in a space w/o walls. Predictive. DREAM 3: A small boy with a toy boat. A sail's laid out flat for washing. Predictive... |
THE MAN IN BLACK: by Florita Thesiger, 1930s, recurring genderbent pastlife dreams Each time, I'm a young Elizabethan man in a grand, new-built country house. In the main room, I find a man in black by the fire. He comes at me, and as he shoots me point-blank, I wake... |
MARTIAN VIGILANTE: by Wayan, 2006/3/25, an absurdist nightmare on inner killjoys After a busy exhausting day, I find myself on a dream street flirting with a really cute artist. Until this stumpy green Martian slithers up, calls us criminals, and threatens us with a raygun... CAUTION: DUMBEST INNER CRITIC EVER |
MICMAC TOWERS: by Wayan; 2010/6/12, a quietly predictive surreal dream I dream squatters build surreal towers in a city of junk. I wake, go to a movie, and see... |
NIGHTMARE 1944: by Ira Sadoff; before 1981, a temptation-nightmare?! On my side of the fence, Austrian winter--gray skies, snow. On the other, warm sun, and a frighteningly beautiful German woman. She invites me over the border, to join her--and the terrified people being dragged off in carts to... CAUTION: HOLOCAUST HINTS |
PARLOR GAME: by a bridge builder's wife; pre-1961, a party game interrupted by a real premonition I had fun playing fortuneteller, until David. My hands turned icy. I asked "Where are you going?" |
RANGE: by Wayan; three 2019/8/19 advisory dreamlets plus 2020/1/8 followup 1: My dad can't see my world. Literally can't see my world... 2: The House of Busyness is unlivable--busy, crowded, noisy... 3: Achievement takes twelve factors; any one can block you... |
THE REAL MAO: by Wayan; 2006/7/9 and 7/11: two dreams (one possibly psychic) about an appalling book Jung Chang’s exposé of Mao's brutal deeds and legacy provoke dreams of leaders who don't listen--till I scream... |
SATANIC LION'S WARNING: by Eldon B.; 2007/1/19, a nightmare with poltergeist activity I fled a demon into a shadowy construction zone where an even worse telepathic lion-devil lured me in with soothing flattery. I woke shaking--and then things in my room began to move... CAUTION: DEMONS, POLTERGEIST PHENOMENA |
SHASTA OCCUPATION: by Wayan; 1996/11/1, a dream of telepathic spill-over. I'm teaching in a wizard's college near Mt Shasta when one astral world decides to occupy another... |
SILENT CRASH: by Vera and Wayan; 1992/8/14, a shared (predictive?) dream. Wayan dreams a jet crashes in dead silence. Meanwhile Vera dreams of being ON a jet that... |
SOLE RETRIEVAL: by Wayan; 2005/10/6, a punning spiritual dreamlet Guards in a museum confiscate my goofy purple-warted shoes, then lose them! I fuss till they find them. For it's vital to retrieve my, uh, soles. |
STINKING RICH: by Wayan; 1993/1/20, a dream about class rage. Stupid class rage. I envy and resent a rich family's mansion so much I break in and sabotage their giant meat freezer... CAUTION: HOSTILITY, ENVY, WASTE OF BAD FOOD |
TEMENOS: by Wayan; 1997/6/17, a psychic dream. I'm at a Robert Bly camp for men only. But I'm no man--not even human--some faun or satyr-like species... CAUTION: THIS 'TEMENOS' IS A SACRED PHALLIC IMAGE |
THREE DREAMS & A COINCIDENCE: by Rick Veitch, c.1996, predictive shamanic dreams Three dreams set on Abenaki holy ground, of weird shamans--one ashen, one pumpkin-headed, the third goofy-faced--lead me to visit the site. Where I find the river's washed up that third shaman's face... CAUTION: WILL BOTHER E.S.P. SKEPTICS |
TIBETAN DISASSEMBLY: by Wayan; 2007/7/5, a dream of a desperate ploy A woman in Tibet disassembles herself! A local god hires her spirit, but she uses the office equipment to backup her memories and... CAUTION: DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME |
TORNADOES AND TESTOSTERONE: by Dream Junkee; 2008/9/3, a lucid dream of transformation I've always been scared of tornadoes, until I went lucid and became one... CAUTION: HORNY TORNADO |
THE TRAIN ON TIME CAFE: by Wayan, 1981/12/20, an epic political dream. Silicon Valley goes enthusiastically fascist. I hide in a berry patch. They build a shining world, and then... |
VRILLASSA'S ONLY PRIEST: by Jo; 2007/2/10, a dream of meeting God A job as the only priest on an island colony sounded perfect, only I'm the wrong religion... CAUTION: DOGMATISTS AND DEAD BIRDS TALKING |
WAYAN'S STUDIO: Wayan, 1999/10/6, ink sketches of workspace These sketches bare my work process: I multitask, but without planning, in a flow state. I really do just follow my bliss. Works better for me than logic. |
WORLD-BUILDERS: by Wayan; 2006, nondream: Planetocopia's sources The life experiences, writers, artists and scientists that inspired the building of Planetocopia... |
ZOMBIE RUSH-HOUR: by Wayan; 1993/12/14, a predictive nightmare. I'm in an apartment co-op in Silicon Valley where people share their skills--till rush hour begins... |
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