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Write A Little Dream With Me
(In Praise of World Dream Bank Riches)

Written 2015/10/16 by Patagia
(Sing to the tune of Dream a little Dream of Me by
Gus Kahn, Fabian Andre & Wilbur Schwandt, 1931)

Pythons and dragons lurking
Angels and flowers spying and smirking
Sly foxes weave a frieze of Belize
Write a little dream with me

Keep pen and paper ready
Night babble moves in making you heady
Who knows what may appear if you’re free
Write a little dream with me

Sharks unicorns and moonbeams
Lost loves and karma chocolate I-beams
Raw telepathic bundles of beans
Write a little dream with me

Mad monsters lobsters howling
Wizards who mentor keep you from scowling
Winky bombastic hoards of green fleas
Write a little dream with me

Red knives may spin above you
Marbles erupt and CLANG deep inside you
Worries may turn to hogs sucking grease
Write a little dream with me

Wind farms electric car squads
Robots a billion yawning iPods
Past present future mash and careen
Write a little dream with me

Sleep spawns a world of wonder
Day worlds are left to groan all asunder
Come dream come dream some magical scenes
Write a little dream with me

Write a little dream with me
Write a little dream with me.

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