Wolf Drool
Dreamed 2011/12/16 by Wayan
At last I found an open-minded doctor willing to risk prescribing long-term antibiotics for an undiagnosed recurring infection. Took doxycycline & azithromycin for nearly a year. Ate lots of probiotics and took my herbs, too. Result? Vast improvement, and I've kept the gains since. I feel well, but can't test to be sure I'm infection-free without a diagnosis; I plan to stick to safe sex. SO WHY THIS CRAZY DREAM? Under the weird images, it proves that dreams read science articles! This isn't an archetypal "Swallowed by a Wolf" a la Red Riding Hood, but a dream tweaking Grimm, Jung, and Freud too--the core is straight from a Science News article verifying the healing power of doggy drool! The notion that dream-thinking's primitive is kinda primitive itself. |
This dream knew its audience--me. Only contrasting two bizarre scenes made the meaning--"prioritize healing"--inescapable. And it had to be unmistakable, for I didn't want to face months of antibiotics (side effects can be harsh). But Half-Wolf made it utterly, nuttily, smuttily clear I had to do it. Fun or not. So I did. And it worked. |
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