Volcanic Oath
Dreamed 1972/5/20 by Wayan, age 17
Pumpkin, our red tabby cat, wandered more & more till he just ran off months ago... like my sister Althea did.
A few days ago he crawled home with a bloody, torn throat. Days of argument and tears. This morning our parents took him to a low-cost vet for surgery. Cheap because the guy's never done that operation before, wants to learn. The most we could argue our father into--it's that or euthanasia.
In the evening we learn it went fine. Pumpkin will live. Relief! But now I wonder just how much my dad'd be willing to spend if it was me.
What a family meltdown
Half a century, and I still struggle with being a cheapskate. Thanks, dad! But then, he had learned the hard way to begrudge every dime--he was dirt-poor and hungry in the Great Depression. Born a hundred years ago, yet his famine echoes on... in me.
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