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Vera and her Pride
Dreamed 2005 by Crimson Sacrifice (Bethany Sellers)
Vera is my furry alter ego. These are Vera's pets... nameless for now... they are based on a dream I had,
An old cat
A young cat
A fat cat
A cuddly cat
And two cats in love.
I'm still not certain what they represented in the dream, but this is as close to how they looked as I can remember.
(Grins) Vera was wearing this really awesome fur cloak as well...
- The Old Cat... Represents the wisdom that comes with age. I think she's the part of me that I use for decisions, the mental state I try to be in when someone depends on me to be helpful and wise.
- The Young Cat... I look to this little one to be reminded of my youth and childlike honesty and trust in others.
- The Fat Cat... He is my contentment, my security, my strength.
- The Cuddly Cat... for when I can't be wise and strong, for when I am feeling vulnerable and weak. My little cuddly ball of love and warmth to snuggle up to, and get me on my feet again.
- The Couple... The love I feel for friends, family and most importantly God and my husband. This couple reminds me of what it's like to love in the most natural, honest and beautiful way--the instinctual love of feline soulmates.
Now... to think of their names!
I'm Just Not Myself Today! -
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