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Venus Unveiled: A Gazetteer

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Lake Tacoma: 38 S, 291 E
A deep mountain lake 160 km long in central Themis, nestled between the Latta Mts (the southeast arm of the Shulamite Range), Tacoma Corona, and the tall Semiramis Range. One of a chain of six great lakes winding 1600 km through the mountain chasmas of central Themis, called the High Lakes. The region is hot and rainy, though being an upland somewhat sheltered by mountains, it's less steamy and stormy than the Themis lowlands--but that just means six meters of rain a year instead of 12.
Cape Tahia: 42 N, 75 E
A broad, low peninsula 250 km wide and long forming northwest Tellus. The cape's smothered in Megazoic rainforest, with taller trees than the Amazon or the redwoods. Most of Tellus is tessera, convolutions like a huge brain--but Cape Tahia is relatively gentle. To the west are Kylli and Cape Welcome; to the east, cliffwalled Lake Eliot.
A large sea, about twelve million square km, between East Lada, Aphrodite, and eastern Alpha. Its northern shores are mild, warm, mixed country; the southern, hot, humid rainforest.
Tai-Shan Hills: 30 S, 95
A corona near Cape Juno, on Aphrodite, forming a circular range of hills straddling Juno Chasma, which runs past Tai Shan into the sea, forming twin points with a deep sound between: a classic flooded chasma. Offshore is Juno Island. The whole region is gentle, with a mild marine tropical climate--rainforests on the hills and open woods on the many plains. Coral reefs line most of the shores and islands, including the Emilias.
The Tail Islands: 55 N, 210 E
Slang name for the islands in the Atalanta and Kabel Seas, off Ulfrun, the "scorpion's tail". The largest by far is Bathkol; see also the Virilis Islands, Atira, the Akuanda Islands, and the Surupas. The islands are like Great Britain in size, latitude, rainfall, and gentle terrain, but they're more scattered--and much hotter.
Takusmana: 20 S, 345 E
Takusmana is a low island 60 km wide in the Lavinia Sea northwest of Alpha. It's a small but pleasant subtropical islet with palm beaches and savanna inland. Takusmana's a link on the flyway from Alpha to Venus's Western Hemisphere, indeed the only nonpolar route; to the east, toward Alpha, is Tey, then the Tumas Islands; the next stop west is Qetesh Hole, shaped like a huge Terran atoll, with arcuate islets flanking a deep blue lagoon, and then gentle Menat, a wooded wedge 400 km wide.
Cape Tamfana: 38 S, 3 E
The eastern half of Carpo, one of the larger Alpha Islands. Tamfana Corona creates a long cape, nearly half of the island; locals call the mainland "Cape Carpo", insisting they're the tail that wags the dog. The land is carpeted in Megazoic rainforest.
Cape Tamiyo: 33 S, 295-300 E
A cape paralleling Themis's north shore for 400 km. The sound between cape and mainland is Tamiyo Bay. Tamiyo is fertile and wooded, but not Amazonian like the mainland to the south, since (unlike most of Themis), the rains here are generous but not overwhelming. North of Tamiyo is Justitia Island, a fan of lava from the volcano at its northern tip, Justitia Tholus. Justitia's the flyway to the continent of Phoebe. South of Tamiyo Bay are the long Semiramus Mt.s and the Ukemochi Plateau. To the east is smaller Tunehakwa Bay.
TARANGA: 16 N, 250 E
The Taranga Peninsula, 1000 km long, extends from Asteria (western Beta) west along Hecate Chasma. Its climate is mild, with savanna and mixed woods in the lowlands, conifer forests along its mountainous spine. Its topography is not mild. The end of the peninsula, huge Taranga Corona, forms a rugged near-island 500 km long and 300 wide, with coastal ridges around a prairie basin with an inland sea 150 km long, Lake Taranga. North and west, the coastal mountains drop sheer into the Ul'yana Gulf, and this outer slope harbors pocket rainforests; the inland, downwind face has pocket deserts. West, across Taranga Channel, the Wyrd Mtns rise from the sea--they're linked to Aphrodite by a land-bridge over 1000 km long. Southwest, across Beecher Sound (named for a crater, long drowned, honoring Harriet Beecher Stowe) is the gentle Isle of Prthivi. Far to the east, from the base of the peninsula, a second smaller cape thrusts south into the Hecate Sea: Cape Sinlaku, a hilly oval corona with wooded heights dropping to a warm sea--a bit like the French Riviera.
Mt Tarbell: 60 S, 350 E
The highest peak in northern West Lada. Mt Tarbell is near the shore of Nike Bay on the Lavinia Sea, northwest of Lake Alcott. Tarbell is outside the torrid zone but catches so much rain it's mantled in temperate rainforest, and its rainshadow downwind keeps the cliffs of Alcott Crater and the beaches of the sunken lake sunnier and drier than surrounding regions.
Cape Taussig: 12 S, 228 E
A low peninsula 900 km long, off southeast Aphrodite, Taussig's the first in the long chain of isles and peninsulas along Parga Chasma, stretching 6000 km east. Prevailing winds are from the inland deserts, so Taussig is mostly dry savanna, with some open forest in its central hills and in the Ulgen Hills near its base--neither one very high, but catching a little more rain. To the north is Cape Ledoux; south is Cape Chondi on the Terra of Chondi; west, off Taussig's end, is deep blue Toma Hole and its surrounding islands.
Tawera Bay: 10 S, 70 E
a bay on the southwest coast of Aphrodite. Along with much larger Adivar Bay to the north, it separates the Ovda Highlands from the western subcontinent, Manatum. Tawera Valley nearly links the two bays. While Tawera Bay is grassy and pleasant, with wooded streams dropping from the Manatum Tessera to the west, as the Tawera Valley cuts inland, it turns to desert. The highlands on both sides still send down a few small streams, collecting into the shallow, winding Tawera River, but the plains turn golden, then dusty and red. A piny highland, like a bridge between Ovda and Manatum, blocks the way north. It ends in red cliffs dropping into Lake Kaltash. Streams from the surrounding uplands feed the lake, but its basin is desert. North of the lake, the land turns golden, then green, as you near the fertile Adivar coast.
Mt Tefnut: 41 S, 304 E
the large volcano dominating east Themis. Its southwestern flank has some of the densest rains and deepest forests on Venus. The northeast side casts a rainshadow, but Themis is so green that this "desert" is merely open woods and meadows, instead of Megazoic rainforest.
TELLUS: 40 N, 80 E
a mini-continent north of Aphrodite. Though it's only a million square miles (2.5M sq km), Tellus has a biomass rivaling the entire Amazon Basin. Its rainforest is six times as dense and nearly twice as tall; its only rivals are Themis and Imdr in the southern hemisphere. Tellus is mostly tessera, it looks like a giant brain covered in green carpet. From west to east, its main features are: Cape Welcome, Olwen Bay and the Tahia Peninsula; central Eliot Patera and Lake Merian feeding the Kottravey River in its chasma-valley; southwestern Cape Christie; Tseraskaya Bay and Bernhardt Bay in the south, with their hundreds of islands and fjords; the Khatun Mountains and their great lava-bed lakes in the east, and Apgar Patera and Medeina Island in the northeast. In the far north Tellus trails off into the large Meni Islands and the narrow Dekla chain reaching to Ishtar.
Tenisheva Island: 2 S, 255 E
A small island, basically just a mountain in the middle of the Hecate Sea, 250 km east of Javine, and part of its archipelago. Grassy slopes with woods in the valleys. Farther east is a twin, Alcyone I.
Mt Tepev: 28 N, 45 E
a volcanic cone rising dramatically from the sea, at the southwest corner of Bell. Tepev, on the edge of the torrid zone, is mantled in dense rainforest to its waist, then an ecological island of dwarf cloud-forest to its summit. Between the mountain and mainland are the wide Tepev Marshes, the only treeless expanse in Bell.
TETHUS: 65 N, 110 E
a terra (island over a million square km) east of Ishtar. Tethus's backbone is a chain of hilly coronas; the largest are Earhart in the north, Nightingale in the center (a ring cupping Lake Nightingale), and Fakahotu in the south. Melia Bay, in the center, below Mt. Melia, separates Tethus from Meskhent, another terra to the north and west. The Ananke Islands are to the south. East is only the Atalante Sea, deepest on Venus.
Tey: 19 S, 349 E
Tey is a lone volcano rising from the Lavinia Sea northwest of Alpha. It's a small but pleasant subtropical islet with wooded heights above a skirt of savanna and palm beaches. Tey's a link on the flyway from Alpha to Venus's Western Hemisphere, indeed the only nonpolar route; to the east are the Tumas and Dudumitsa Islands leading to Alpha; the next stop west is Takusmana, a wider, lower island, then Qetesh Hole, shaped like a huge Terran atoll, with arcuate islets flanking a deep blue lagoon. Tey also has a volcanic northern twin: Aitchison.
Thaukhud Peninsula: 25 S, 235 E
Thaukhud is the southern third of Chondi, a terra (island over a million square km) west of Parga. Thaukhud is a forested strip the size of France, with low ridges hiding two long lakes, Marie and Eileen. The Forest of Thaukhud is the greenest part of Chondi, which is mostly grass and scrub in the rainshadow of the Aphroditean deserts. North of Thaukhud are the Ndoi and Marie hills and Lake Darlene; northeast, Mt. Gwen, and northwest, long narrow Cape Onenhste. To the south, Thaukhud ends in mountainous Cape Yonsuk.
Mt. Theia: 23 N, 283 E
the highest mountain (4 km) in southern Beta, rising above Devana Chasm much like the Ruwenzori does over the East African Rift. Unlike Ruwenzori, though, Theia has a spectacular caldera, miles wide and 3 km deep--the highest cliffs on Venus. Certainly Earth has nothing to compare with it. Mars does, but then its gravity is far lower--cliffs there are under less strain. It shows how tough the rocks of Venus are--to hold such steep shapes in tremendous heat. Or at least how tough they were--it may be that rain and oxidation will do what heat and gravity could not, and Theia will erode. And yet, the summit's so high, it's above most storms--the great caldera may be shielded, and survive even as other features on Venus erode beyond recognition.
THEMIS: 40 S, 290 E
a southern continent the size and shape of Australia, linked by a narrow isthmus to the subcontinent of Parga which forms a bridge to Phoebe, forming a C-shaped supercontinent around the Dzerassa Sea. Themis itself has a convoluted coast, and much of it is a mass of low, overlapping coronas and vocanoes. Mt Tefnut, the volcano at its east end, is the highest peak. All but the north coast is Megazoic rainforest, the largest, densest jungle in the solar system. To the east is the smaller but equally lush continent of Dione.
THETIS: 5 S, 130 E
north central Aphrodite. Thetis is a highland, though not as rugged or high as Ovda to the west. Lake Virava, one of the largest on Venus, fills parts of twisting, branched Virava Chasm in west Thetis, where the land is lower. Northern Thetis, the Turan Plateau (in west Thetis between Virava and Jana Chasms) and the Jurnaisat Highlands (a mountainous triangle southeast of Thetis, cut off by the east end of Virava) are ecological islands--aspen and fir and alpine meadows above rugged, dry canyons. Thetis's heights are generally wooded, sending streams down to the Great Lakes in the valleys, which form their own micro-climates. But some valleys are true desert, like the Veden-Emma Basin east of Jurnaisat, and the Ralk Desert to the west. Even the Bonnan Steppes on the north shore are dry; prevailing winds blow from the mountains and inland deserts, not the sea. It's the longest desert coast on Venus.
Thouris Hole: 7 S, 12 E : see Fatua Islands.
Tiffany Group: 10 S, 15 E : see Fatua Islands.
an island-studded medium-sized equatorial sea (about 12 million sq. km or 5m sq. mi) between eastern Alpha, east Lada, and southwest Aphrodite. On the west, only the Heng-O Islands divide it from the larger Guinever Sea.
Tingoi Islands: 5 N, 320 E
The Tingois are in the east-central Navka Islands, off Phoebe. Most of the islands are small, but a couple up to 150 km long. To the west are the Nang-Byon Islands, flanking a long trench leading to a blue hole (false atoll), Madderakka. To the south are the similar Yanbike Islands, then the Gulaim group, then huge Vasilisa. To the north are only the scattered Gudruns, trailing off into the Guinevere Sea. Tingoi's under the equatorial rings, so the climate's mild. The cool equatorial air creates a dry, high-pressure zone, so the Tingois are grassy--only streambanks and the higher hills have open woods. It's herbivore heaven for elephants, winged antelope and prezebras (see Peoples of Venus).
Tipporah: 41 N, 45
1) an island just southwest of Ishtar, in the Leda Sea. Tipporah is 200 km long but quite narrow. Like New Caledonia or Bougainville, it's lush, rainy and warm, though not as steamy as Bell just to the south.
2) Cape Tipporah is Ishtar's southeast tip. Tipporah Island is just offshore. The land is deeply corrugated with tessera--in this case, a pattern of parallel "canyons" which dead-end, fill up to become deep lake, which spill over into others. These lake-chain canyons are everywhere, though they're nearly hidden under the thick rainforest--for this is the warmest, wettest corner of Ishtar.
Tituba Islands: 43 N, 216 E
Four islands in the torrid zone, off western Ulfrun, southeast of Bathkol and Abe Mango, southwest of Cape Bakhtadze. These low islands, from 30-100 km across, are covered in rainforest.
Cape Tkashi: 20 N, 212 E
Cape Tkashi is a blunt peninsula, a spur of the Nokomis Mts of Atla (east Aphrodite). The land's mostly savanna, brush and open woods. To the south is Lake Mem-Loimis; to the north, the Sidney Marshes and the Vinmara Sea. Tkashi points northeast, nearly meeting Cape Boleyn of Ulfrun. The Tkashi peninsula is much larger, fully 1000 km long and 400 wide--it's just not very fertile or scenic.
Toci Islands: 30 N, 0 E
The Toci Archipelago, named for an Aztec earthquake goddess, stretch north over 400 km from Eistla toward lonely Manzan-Gurme on the flyway to Ishtar. Toci Island itself, the largest and northernmost, is a volcanic dome 120 km across. The Tocis lie off Cape Idem-kuva, the northernmost tip of Eistla. Islands and coast are all rainforested; to the south, the land rises steadily to huge Mt. Gula.
Cape Toklas: 2 N, 268 E
The northeast shore of Phoebe follows the equator for 2000 km west from Devana Chasma. The west end is a sharp little thorn, only 150 km long, sticking into Hinemoa Gulf. The east shore of the cape has dunes, grass and pine barrens; subtropical hardwoods soften the spine and the west shore. 350 km due north is Xochiquetzal, a volcano rising from the sea--a useful one, for it creates the only flyway across the west end of Hinemoa, from Toklas to Xochiquetzal to the Isle of Aruru to Cape Montez on the mainland of Beta. Toklas and Xochiquetzal are also the only flyway to Tuulikki--right in the center of Hinemoa Gulf, surrounded by land yet profoundly isolated--at a "pole of inaccessibility" as Victorian explorers used to say.
Toma Hole: 12 S, 233 E
A round blue hole in the reefs of the Hecate Sea, off southeast Aphrodite. Toma's 200 km wide and ringed by arcuate islands like a mirror in a frame. In the center of the deep is a seamount, Mt Toma, which nearly breaks the surface; the hole looks quite like impact crater with a central peak--but no walls or ejecta. A sunken corona, most likely, though it hasn't been designated that, either. It's close by Parga Chasma, and blue holes are associated with chasmas. Well, anyway, Toma's listed because its structure includes those surrounding islands, and they're quite big--the Lumimuuts to the north and the Dziwicas to the south, totaling over 100,000 square km.
Tonatzin Island: 53 S, 165 E
a corona forming an island about 200 km wide, deep in the Aino Sea, a couple of thousand kilometers south of anywhere. Tonatzin is the most isolated land on Venus, unless you count a few flyspecks in the Niobe Ocean. Hot and rainy, it's developed a unique rainforest full of endemic species.
Toyo-Uke: 65 S, 40 E
a large island in the central Lada Archipelago, Toyo-Uke is a J-shaped mass of low ridges some 600 km across. The climate's rather Californian, with mild sunny days and night fogs feeding drip-forests. To the west is Seo-Ne; northwest is Tsects; southwest, Okhin-Tengri, and northeast, Cape Shiv-Amashe on East Lada.
Triglava: 54 S, 94 E
An island 60 km wide, off Cape Reitia in East Lada; part of the Reitia Chasma system starting at the highest peak on East Lada, Mt Lanig, and extending far out to sea beyond Triglava. The island's warm rainy climate resembles Central America.
Truth Steppe: 27 N, 293 E
A grassy basin 500 km across in eastern Beta, between the Devana Mts to the west and the lower, coastal Hyndlas to the east. The prairie drains south into Lake Hyndla. The western side, under the rainshadow of the Devanas, is semi-arid. The region around the lake is much greener. The plain is named for Truth Crater (now holding a lake) at its upper end. Not truth in the abstract--Sojourner Truth. To the north is a second great prairie, Sanger Steppe.
Mt. Ts'an-nu: 28 S, 273 E
A major peak in eastern Parga, Ts'an-nu is wide enough to form a peninsula halfway across Mielikki Sound and tall enough to be an ecological island, with cloud forest on the west side, a pocket "desert" of chaparral on the east, and fern meadows near the summit.
Tsects Island: 62 S, 35 E
a low island in the central Lada Archipelago, Tsects is some 300 km long and 150 wide. The climate's rather Californian, with mild sunny days and night fogs feeding drip-forests. To the north is Otygen, to the west, spectacular Cocomama, to the south, Toyo-Uke.
Tseraskaya Bay: 30 N, 83 E
A bay on the south coast of Tellus, shaped like a horse's head and 2-300 km long. Cape Tseraskaya sheltering the bay is rainforest, though not as hot and overgrown as further north. The Tseraskaya region has mostly "tesserated" terrain--intersecting ridges, creating regular patterns of hills and pits (lake-filled, in Tellus's rainy climate).
Tuli Seamount: 15 N, 315 E
Tuli is a drowned mountain northeast of Phoebe in the Guinevere Sea. Part of the Navka Islands, Tuli's summit is close enough to the surface to support a flourishing coral reef, but in the short time Venus has been wet, it hasn't grown anywhere near the surface, though eventually Tuli may be an atoll with low barrier islands. Wider but still lower seamounts straggle north--an invisible stretch of the Navka chain. 500 km west are Atanua and Hulda. To the east, it's over 1500 km to the nearest land (and that's the tiny island of Beiwe.)
Tumas Is.: 17 S, 355 E
The Tumas Islands, in the Lavinia Sea northwest of Alpha, are on the undersea ridge of Cape Dudumitsa. The Tumas group, though small, are pleasant subtropical islets, and they're a key link on the flyway to Venus's Western Hemisphere--indeed the only nonpolar route. The next stop over is Tey, a volcano rising from the sea, then Takusmana and Menat, lower, wider islands.
Tunehakwa Bay: 34 S, 302 E
A squarish bay 200 km wide, with a narrow mouth, in northeast Themis, between long Cape Tamiyo and the small Tunehakwa Peninsula to the east; the name comes from low Tunehakwa Corona to the south, toward Mt. Tefnut.
Turan Plateau: 13 S, 117 E
Turan Planum (Plateau) is east of Thetis, in north-central Aphrodite. It's a small highland between Ovda to the west and Thetis proper, cut off by the Ralk Desert and two deep, lake-filled chasmas: Jana and Virava. Turan, like Thetis, is an ecological island--aspen and fir and alpine meadows above the rugged dry canyons and finger lakes of the chasmas. Even the coastal Bonnan Steppe north of Turan is dry; prevailing winds here blow from the mountains and inland deserts, not the sea.
Cape Tureshmat: 55 S, 305 E
A narrow cape 400 km long, pointing south into Lavinia Sea from southeast Themis. From its tip, the Gerd Islands stretch another 1000 km to western Lada and Neringa. Rainforest covers the cape, growing gigantic in the Bibi-Patna Hills on the Themis mainland.
Tushita Islands: 40 S, 48 to 55
The Tushitas are a stretch of ridgy tessera 450 km long, rising from the sea between the archipelagoes of Alpha and Lada, south of Umay-Ene. Tushita's hot and so densely rainforested that the jungle tends to hide the regular pattern of ridges. Tushita may be one huge island with two lobes linked by a narrow landbridge, or two islands with a strait you could jump over--the whole thing is so smothered in jungle I'm not sure.
Tusholi Hills: 68 N, 100 E
The central range on Meskhent, east of Ishtar. Unlike the lower, Mediterranean north, the Tusholis catch enough rain for pine and even redwood in western valleys. South of the hills rise the long Gabie Cliffs, bisecting Meskhent. West of the Tusholis is the island-studded Sea of Ops; to the east, Earhart Bay.
Lake Tussaud: 24 N, 225 E
A narrow north-south lake, 160 km long, in south-central Ulfrun (east Aphrodite), nestled in one of the Fea Fossae. The shores are open woods; the surrounding ridges are cloud forest and seasonal rainforest. Just to the north, in a valley angling slightly west, is much larger Lake Fea.
Tuulikki: 9 N, 272 E
South of Beta, north of Phoebe, in the center of Hinemoa Bay, is volcanic Tuulikki Island, the size of Sicily. Unlike larger Aruru Corona to the west, Tuulikki has a forested central peak, but they both have a mild climate with wooded north and west coasts, savanna on the south, and a small desert on its eastern slope--all packed into one-sixth the area of Aruru. Despite being close to Beta and Phoebe, Tuulikki is little visited, for a moat of deep water 800 km wide surrounds it--no easy flyways.
Tuzandi Island: 42 S, 42 E
A lone mountain rising from the sea between the archipelagoes of Alpha and Lada, southeast of the isle ofInanna. Tuzandi's a rest stop for fliers between Alpha and Lada. It's in the torrid zone, and its slopes are densely rainforested.

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Map of terraformed Venus. Mountains are white, highlands gold, lowlands brown.
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