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Venus Unveiled: A Gazetteer

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Nabuzana Island: 8 S, 47 E
Nabuzana Island, off western Aphrodite is shaped like a giant spider, with ridgy legs radiating into a ring of deep water, in an otherwise shallow sea. Tarantula in a bowl! It's officially called Nabuzana Corona, because of that circular rim--but those ridges look like lava flows or dikes to me. Could Nabuzana be an introverted corona that changed its mind, had a little volcanic afterthought?
Nadia Mts.: 30 S, 5 E
The highest mountains in Alpha. The Nadias cross southern Alpha, east of Eve Corona. It's a steep, scenic, chaotic maze of ridges, valleys, and lakes--the largest, Lake Nadia, in the north, is an inland sea 180 km long. The foothills are hot, the uplands mild. Nadia's eastern slopes are open woods, but the western are Amazonian rainforest. Northwest of the Nadias is Cape Peggy and Peggy Sound; northeast is cross-shaped Virga Sound.
Cape Nagavonyi: 16 S, 259 E
A rugged peninsula 200 km wide in Parga, thrusting arms into the Gunda Sea. Nagavonyi's heart is a tight mountainous knot, densely wooded. The drier coasts are savanna--warm but not hot, with gentle night rains. To the west is the tall volcano of Spandarmat; to the south, 500 km of gentler ridges and hills, then the main rift of Parga Chasma, holding two long deep lakes, Dilga and Galindo.
Naguchitsa Bay: 35 S, 152 E
a triangular bay on the south coast of Aphrodite, just east of Artemis. Unlike much of this south coast, the Naguchitsa region is green and fertile with permanent streams and half a dozen large lakes in the hills just inland; one lake is several hundred kilomers long. The mouth of the bay is partly blocked by Naguchitsa Island, about 300 km long, leaving east and west passages to the Aino Sea. West of the bay loom the dark pine-topped ridges of Artemis Corona; wide, low, grassy plains run east for 1000 km to (and around) Lake Vishera,, nearly the shape and size of Earth's Lake Victoria. But none of these coastal lakes compare with the inland sea due north, beyond the hills: Lake Onissya, 1000 km across, as big as the Caspian.
Nahastsan Hills, Nahastsan Islands: 15 N, 204 E
A corona on Cape Tkashi off east Aphrodite near the mouth of Zewana Gulf. Nahastsan itself is a round patch of brushy hills; more of interest is the halo of mini-coronas around it, creating hummocky islands all over the Sidney Marshes and southern Vinmara Sea.
LAKE NAIJOK: 65 S, 340 E
One of the largest lakes on Venus, Naijok is in western Lada. It's a long, zigzagging lake at the foot of Quetzalpetlatl Highlands. End to end, its lobes are a good 1200 km long--like all the Great Lakes in one. Its shores are cool, mild, and generally fertile, but with bare red cliffs and bluffs--the beginning of the rough, dry country found in the Highlands just to the east.
Nakai: 60 S, 285 E
Nakai is a narrow island 160 km long off Cape Ponselle in northern Neringa. To the east are the Jane Islands linking Neringa to the continent of Lada. Nakai is mild and maritime (warmer and wetter than most of Neringa)--mostly redwood forest and meadows studded with oaks.
Nana: 49 N, 75 E
a narrow island 320 km long in the Meni Chain, north of Tellus, in the Leda Sea. Nana resembles a crawling man seen in profile. Lush rainforest covers the island's rugged spine; mangroves wade into the shallow seas, ringed by coral reefs. To the east is even larger Ytunde.
Nanen Island: 70 N, 215 E
Southernmost of the Surupa Islands, west of Metis and Ishtar. Nanen resembles coastal Northern California in size and climate: redwood shores, with open oak- and pine-forests on the inland hills.
Nang-Byon Islands, Nang-Byon Chasma: 4 N, 315 E
Nang-byon is a trench with long flanking islands, in the Central Navka Islands, off Phoebe. The trench leads north from Var to Madderakka Hole. Nang-byon's equatorial, under the rings, so its climate is mild; the relatively cool air creates a dry, high-pressure zone, so the Nang-byons are grassy--only streambanks and the higher hills have open woods. It's herbivore heaven for elephants, winged antelope and prezebras (see Peoples of Venus). To the east are the Tingoi Islands, due south are Kala and the much larger Var. To the northwest are Potter (named for Beatrix, not Harry, and now inhabited mostly by giant intelligent rabbits), and huge Atanua, full of antelope-ranching leopards.
Narina: 25 S, 81 E
A lonely island in the middle of the Tahmina Sea, off Aphrodite. Narina's a peanut-shaped island 50 km long--two linked volcanic cones. Narina's nearest neighbors are the Rosna Tholi to the west (satellites of spectacular Dylacha), and the Emilias to the east, off Cape Juno on the Aphroditean mainland.
NAVKA ISLES: 15 S to 36 N, 300-330 E
a major island chain, 6000 km long, in the Guinevere Sea east of Phoebe and Beta. The largest and southernmost island, Vasilisa, is the size of England. The central group is dominated by Atanua; the largest in the northern group off Beta are Grizodubova, Zirka, and the northernmost, Shishimora. All the Navkas are fertile, mild to warm, and ringed by coral reefs.
Navka Sea: 10 S, 315 E
A sea east of Phoebe, bounded on the south by Ushas Island and by the Navka Isles on the east. It narrows but extends all the way up to Beta.
Navolga Island: 49 S, 298 E
Navolga Corona forms an oval island 250 km long, near the mouth of Chloris Bay in southeast Themis. Navolga is Amazonian rainforest coast to coast--though sea breezes keep it slightly cooler than the Megazoic shores of Chloris.
Nayunuwi Mts: 2 N, 85 E
High mountains on the north edge of Ovda, in western Aphrodite, just north of the lake-basin of Kokomeis. The Nayunuwis, like the nearby Fava Range and the Salikas to the east have snowcapped peaks above alpine meadows and forests of pine and aspen. (Ovda is equatorial, and the rings cool this zone more than the torrid zones north and south of it.). The Nayunuwis drop abruptly to huge Lake Habonde and the fertile Unelanuhi Peninsula, a warm humid lowland.
Mt. Nazit: 22 N, 240 E
The tallest peak on the Perchta Peninsula, the wide green fin on the east side of Ulfrun (the "scorpion's tail" of Aphrodite). The mountain stands at the peninsulas's tip, above Gaze Sound. Pine forests cover the slopes of Nazit; the summit's often snowcapped--well, dusted at least.
Mt. Ndara: 58 S, 15 E
A volcanic cone on the northwest shore of Chang-Xi, in central Lada. Mt. Ndara is by far the highest peak on Chang-Xi. Ndara's slopes support cedar forests and alpine meadows, and the summit is high enough to experience night and morning snow, though a coral lagoon lies near its feet.
Ndoi Hills: 20 S, 235 E
Ndoi Corona is on the west coast of Chondi, a land in the rainshadow of the Aphroditean deserts. The hills are mostly savanna and sparse pines. From Ndoi, narrow Cape Onenhste, a low ridge of dune-grass and nesting birds, stretches 1600 km west through Felicia Gulf almost to Aphrodite. To the south are Lakes Marie and Eileen, in Thaukhud Forest, a strip of low wooded ridges, the size of France. Due east are the Marie Hills, a cool, forested ecological island.
Neago Bay: 60 N, 346 E
A deep, narrow gulf on the south coast of Ishtar, near the Lakshmi Plateau and the Maxwell Mts. Neago Bay roughly marks the division between high, rugged Western Ishtar and the wider, lower, gentler east--the coast to the southeast gets much warmer and rainier, with great forests.
Nedolya: 5 N, 295 E
Far northeast Phoebe, north of the equator. Like Dolya south of the line, Nedolya's fairly dry; the Devana Range in the southwest cuts off rain. Some inland valleys are true deserts, though small ones, and not too hot: Nedolya's shaded by the equatorial rings. The cool uplands support pine forests. The eastern lowlands are tesserated--endless grassy mesas cut up by a regular meshwork of canyons, with open woods and shallow streams. Picture thousands of Mesa Verdes--red and gold cliffs and caves and springs above green groves and meadows. It looks like an ancient, heavily dissected steppe, but these mesas are from crustal stretching and squeezing, not erosion!
Neeltje: 14 N, 123 E
An island 320 km long in the Gegute Is., in the Niobe Ocean off central Aphrodite. Neeltje, in the southeast off the Hassttse-baad Desert , is one of the driest Gegutes. Neeltje looks like a long-haired head in the wind--a hilly knob with long twisting dreadlocks stretching 200 km east, sheltering coral fjords. The capes are stark cliffs, but the "head" is greener, with grassy mesas and some trees in the canyons. To the west is similar but slightly greener Bhumiya; to the north, over an islet-dotted sea, sprawls Gegute itself, some 600 km wide.
Nefertiti Corona: 30 N, 50 E
A ringlike range of hills around Lake Nefertiti in northern Bell (the large terra south of Ishtar). The hills are hot, humid, densely forested--indeed some of the solar system's tallest trees are in the coastal valleys radiating out of the Nefertiti Hills. Lake Nefertiti is round, over 200 km across, dotted with islands, and surrounded by arcuate cliffs and scarps, almost like a huge caldera--but one too large even for Venus.
Nehalennia: 17 N, 12 E
Nehalennia Corona forms a sinuous island 200 km long and a blunt, hilly, wooded cape, sundered by a 30-km sound, in northwest Sappho, one of the Madagascar-sized islands of the Eistla Archipelago. It's a pleasant coast--mostly open woods with a mild climate. To the west, the Guor Islands lead to Eistla proper.
Nekhebet Fluctus: 4 S, 35
A great lava flow making up central and southwest Dzalarhons, the southernmost island of Eistla Archipelago, off Aphrodite's west coast. Multiple flows from Mt. Dzalarhons at the north end of the island stretch southwest forming several long capes up to 800 km from the peak. The flows are now mostly overgrown with subtropical forest reminiscent of Mexico around Mazatlan or Acapulco, though some craggy, grassy fells exist southeast of the peak, in its rain-shadow.
Nelike, Nelike Bay: 25-30 S, 328 E
Nelike Bay is a sound 500 km long and up to 250 wide, on the east coast of Dione. To the east is the mainland of is Ushas (northern Dione); to the west, north-pointing Cipactli Peninsula, 500 km long and 1-200 wide, at whose base is blunt, massive Mt Cipactli. Near the mouth of the bay are two islands, North and South Nelike, both about 100 km long and 60 wide.
Nemcova Bay, Nemcova Marshes: 2-8 N, 125 E
Nemcova Bay, on the north-central coast of Aphrodite, is near the west edge of the Hassttse-baad Desert, east of the Bonnan Steppes. Due south are the highlands of Thetis. Nemcova Bay is a triangle 300 km across, with several desert islands. A narrows leads inland to a branching sound another 300 km wide and deep, mostly salt marsh. The twisting sound's greens and blues stand out from orbit against the desert's red. Just west of the bay's mouth is Nemcova Island, a diamond shape 160 km long; north and west from it stretch the Gegutes, a chain some 2000 km long.
NEMESIS ISLANDS: 35-45 N, 170-195 E
An archipelago separating the Ganiki Sea from the Niobe Ocean, north of the Atla region of Aphrodite. Athena in the south is 800 km across, studded with small volcanoes. Further north, forming an east-west line fully 2400 km long, are three long islands, narrow and rugged with tessera: West and Middle Nemesis, each 100 km wide and 500 long, then East Nemesis, over 1000 km long--a long east cape that's nearly a fourth island, then a mountainous western chunk unlike the other Nemeses. The climate's hot and wet. Athena is rainforest; the northern isles are Amazonian, climaxing on East Nemesis with Megazoic forests.
Cape Nepret, Lake Nepret: 53 N, 8 E
Nepret Corona's in southern Ishtar, at the foot of the great rise culminating 1000 km north in the Maxwell Mts. The corona's sunken center holds Lake Nepret, 120 km wide. From the southern wall of the corona, two arms extend south; the eastern is Cape Nepret, at the mouth of Lake Onatah. The western ridge is more interesting: an isthmus anchoring the whole complex of hills and capes further south off Ishtar: Cape Ashnan, the Bahet Hills, Cape Onatah, and three-headed Cape Ariadne (the southern tip of Ishtar). This Nepret Ridge also separates Lake Onatah from its equally boggy western sister, Lake Muta. Both lakes are shallow, irregular, reedy and swampy, full of islands--the Everglades built on wavy bedrock. The climate's warm and rainy, with huge tropical hardwoods.
NEPTHYS: 32 S, 310 E
A large volcano in western Dione (east of Themis). Nepthys dominates a peninsula much larger than Sulawesi, but equally stringy and twisted--all long narrow capes like Oakley and von Paradis. They're warm and mostly wooded, but not as hot, jungly or rugged as southern Dione.
NERINGA: 60-70 S, 290 E
Neringa, west of Lada, is three times the size of Greece, and resembles the Aegean in climate and even topography--a skein of sounds and capes with no clear center. In the south, a single snowcapped volcano rises from the sea, looking like an Aleutian island on a leash. I'll dub it Mt Neringa--the peak, like most Neringan features, lacks an official name. The leash is zigazag Cape Spidele, hundreds of km long. On the west is a chain of big islands like Lyon and Vesuna. To the north is Cape Ponselle, a third of Neringa's landmass; to the northwest is slender Nakai Island, and to the northeast are the Jane Islands linking Neringa to the continent of Lada. North of the Janes, a long chain of islets, the Gerds, link Neringa to Themis, too. Neringa's nearly polar, so the climate's cool for Venus, though it freezes only at night on southern mountaintops. The foggy coastal valleys support redwoods. Inland is drier, mostly meadows studded with oaks. Pine forests cover the higher ranges. The mid-sea ridges force deep water up, so the Melina Sea teems with life--rich kelp forests line many shores.
Cape Nevelson, Nevelson Bay: 35 S, 308 E
Nevelson is an oval bay in northeast Themis, with a rugged apron of debris creating a cape 100 km long in the Gulf of Persephone between Themis and Nepthys in Dione. NASA's labeled Nevelson an impact crater, but it looks to me more like a caldera in a small north-south chasma. In any case, the trench is below sea level and rising waters will breach Nevelson from the north. North beyond the trench is Oakley Strait; to the south, Cape Vovchok, a second crater, definitely volcanic--a large volcano with a cliffwalled lake in its summit caldera. To the east is Persephone Corona.
Cape Ney: 35 S, 108 E
A cape 400 km long and 300 wide, off Artemis in south Aphrodite. Cape Ney is the highest part of an old lava flow, the Ney-Anki Fluctus. Ney Bay, Lake Ney to the northeast, Cape Anki and Anki Bay to the east, are all parts of the old flow, which ends abruptly to the southeast in Cape Sudice, full of cliffs and waterfalls.
Nichka Islands: 8 S, 355 E
A chain of small islands, the high points of Nichka Dorsa, an undersea ridge north in the southern Guinevere Sea, north of Alpha. The Nichkas are nowhere more than 40 km long and 20 wide, but they have long beaches fronted by palms below rugged green hills, in a mild warm climate--rather Caribbean, though a bit drier. Despite their isolation, the Nichkas are much visited because they're the only flyway from Ishtar and Eistla down to Dione and Themis in the southwest, and Navka Archipelago to the northwest. The next stepping-stone to the north is the Heng-O Archipelago, a ring of islets like a gigantic Terran atoll; to the southeast, the next island is long Radunitsa.
Nightingale: 63 N, 120 E
a great corona in central Tethus, east of Ishtar. Its arcuate ridges, the Nightingale Hills, fill central Tethus; they enclose a basin partly filled by Lake Nightingale, 200 km long and 100 wide. The region's Mediterranean, with aromatic brushy slopes, wooded ridges and streams, and grassy, rocky coasts. North of Nightingale is Cape Earhart, southwest stands Mt. Melia, west is three-lobed Melia Bay, 200 km wide, separating Tethus from Meskhent, another huge terra to the north. The Earhart Gulf between Meskhent and Cape Earhart is often more romantically called the Nightingale Sea.
Nike Bay: 60 S, 340 E
Nike Bay is a sound 500 km long and 150 wide, a tongue of the Lavinia Sea sticking into West Lada. It's shallow, and warm for this latitude, with small coral reefs--perhaps the southernmost on Venus. Sheltering it is long, narrow Cape Penardun. Mt Tarbell looks down on the bay from the east. Nike's climate is mild and maritime, supporting broadleaf forests around Tarbell, a bit drier and more open in the south, where some meadows open up.
Nilanti Gulf: 40 S, 335 E
The Nilanti Gulf, named for a crater drowned by its waters, is part of the Lavinia Sea, between Alpha and Dione. To the east of Nilanti sprawl the Hippolyta Islands. Beaches here are few; most of the Hippolytas' shores are cliffs dropping straight into the sea. To the northwest is Dix, an impact crater forming a large ring-island. Beyond Dix lies the mainland of Hathor (southern Dione); its Oma Peninsula bounds Nilanti Gulf to the south. The gulf is warm at the surface but fairly deep; nutrients upwell along its steep rocky shores; marine life is plentiful.
Nin Bay: 8 S, 270 E
Nin Bay, in West Phoebe, looks like a fat snake 600 km long and 200 wide. Its shores have a mild climate, forested uplands, and open woods with patches of savanna. Inland are wide prairies and marshes around Lake De Witt and Lake Isako.
Ningal Gulf, Ningal Peninsula: 8 N, 62 E
Cape Ningal ends the long arc of the Hestia Mts in far west Aphrodite. Linked to the mainland by a narrow, mountainous neck, the peninsula is 350 km long and 250 wide. It's rugged, covered in tessera like the rest of the Hestia region. Between cape and mainland lies Ningal Gulf, a leaf-shaped pit 300 km long, ringed by scarps and even sheer cliffs. If this were Mars, you'd swear the gulf was the scar of a catastrophic subsidence, where a thick stratum of ice melted and collapsed in a flood. The islands in the gulf even look much like a Martian "chaos." But on Venus it couldn't be ice--only lava. Was it ever THAT hot, was the crust ever that thin? And if it had flooded out, wouldn't it have filled the deep trench of Curie Gulf to the south?
By the way, Ningal isn't the official name of this huge, bewildering feature. It has no official name. Nor did any feature near it. But over the mountains to the north lay the Ningal Undae, a set of winding ridges far less spectacular than the nameless puzzle to the south--and today, the undae are under the sea. So they won't be able to protest my little identity theft, will they?
Ninhursag Hills: 38 S, 25 E
A corona in southern Pachamama, one of the larger Alpha Islands. The Ninhursag uplands, a few hundred km across, are solid rain- and cloud-forests. Still, Pachamaman jungles, even at their densest, are merely Amazonian--far smaller than the superforests of the Lada Archipelago to the south.
Cape Ninmah: 18 N, 48 E
Ninmah Corona is the hilly northeastern corner of Pavlova, a long terra (mega-island, over a million sq. km.) in the Eistla Archipelago. Open woods covers the hills of Ninmah. To the south is Isong Corona, distinctly drier. To the southwest is central Pavlova Corona itself, and to the southeast is grassy Cape Romola.
Ningyo Pans: 7 S, 210 E
an east-west string of shallow lakes and mud pans in the southeastern deserts of Aphrodite. Old lava beds, the Ningyo chain stretches from the Ozza Mts 1200 km east to Maram Corona, near the shore of the Hecate Sea. Ningyo is where two subcontinents meet--West Ningyo is the southern tip of Ulfrun, East Ningyo the southern tip of Atla. The Ningyo pans, like the Jokwa Desert south of it, are warm, wide, monotonous short-grass basins, alternately dusty and muddy. It's mostly elephant country--no one else wants it.
Nintu: 10-35 N, 120 E
A subtropical island 320 km long in the Gegute Is. off Thetis in central Aphrodite. Nintu is a tessera field--deep, winding fjords and densely forested canyons below oak-topped mesas. Most of the Gegutes look like Arizona's mesa country, but Nintu is unusually rainy. Coral reefs line Nintu's convoluted shores--a curling tangle of land and water, though two great, unambiguous capes stretch north toward MacDonald and Vallija. To the south, a wide strip of coral reefs and flat-top islets stretches 200 km to Gegute proper.
NIOBE OCEAN: 35 N, 135 E
A majore sea north of Aphrodite; with the Atalanta Sea, the Leda Sea and Rusalka Bay, it forms a northern ocean about the size of the Indian Ocean on Earth, though much shallower. Still, Atalanta and Leda are as deep as seas get, on Venus, so in sheer volume, Niobe is by far the largest ocean on the planet. Its only rivals in area are the Aino Sea in the south and the Sedna/Guinevere Seas to the west. Major islands: in the west, huge Bell and Tellus, and the Kutue and Shimti Islands; the northern Ananke and the scattered Akkruvas; the lonely Cauteovan and Ved-Ava Islands in the sea's heart; and in the south off Aphrodite's deserts, the Gegutes, Kubebas, and Urutongas.
Nishtigri: 24 S, 70 E
An island southof Tawera Bay, off Aphrodite. Nishtigri is a rugged land 150 km across, cut off by a narrow channel.from much larger Dylacha to the east. Like Dylacha, it has a heavily indented coast--mostly cliffs rising from deep water; creating vertical coral gardens. Nishtigri is threaded with abrupt little winding canyons--a strange split-level country, like Cape Centlivre off Beta. To the northeast is a nameless string of cliffy ridges rising from the sea. To the west, a chain of reefs leads to the equally rugged Xiwang Mu Islands stretching all the way to Alpha.
Nissaba Bay: 24 N, 355 E
This oval bay 150 km wide dominates the north coast of Eistla. Nissaba is a corona with typically arcuate capes flanking its flooded heart: short Nissaba to the west and much longer Bakisat to the east. Beyond, and even larger, is Cape Idem-kuva, the northern tip of Eistla. To the west are the islands and coral reefs of Heidi Sound. Inland, the land rises toward Mt Sif and Mt. Gula. The coast is rainforested, though not Megazoic; the uplands are cloud forest; above the cloud sea is a sort of wet altiplano, a fern-savanna.
NOKOMIS MTS: 20 N, 190 E
A long range, the eastern spine of the Atla subcontinent in northeast Aphrodite. It continues as an island chain, and then an undersea ridge dividing the Atalanta Basin from the Niobe Sea. The heights are pine forests, with some alpine tundra and even snow on the highest peaks. The range has a dry central rift for much of its length, and casts a rainshadow to the east over the coastal plain. To the south, too, the lowlands are dry, around Lake Fossey.
common name for the Snegurochka Sea. A round sea about the size of Australia, shallow yet island-less, centered on the North Pole. Despite the name (Snowgirl Sea), it's icefree at all times.
Nott: 32 S, 202 E
An island 80 km long, flanking the small chasma linking Imdr and Aphrodite. Such chasma-islands are common in Cytherean seas, but Nott is a strange hybrid. Its ridge might never have breached the surface if the huge impact of Isabella Crater just to the north hadn't splashed an island's worth of molten rock on Nott's back. A third component--Nott is officially labeled a corona, one of Venus's strange bubbles. Did the bulging occur prior to Isabella's impact, or after, as a reaction to the shock? Unknown. Despite its violent past, Nott today is gentle--coral beaches, subtropical forests. To the north is Isabella, to the south, long Libby, a classic ridge-island less affected by the cataclysm--unless the impact opened the rift!
Nuliayoq Bay: 45-50 N, 222 E
Nuliayoq Bay is a winding north-south sound, 600 km long, cutting into the east coast Ulfrun (east Aphrodite). It separates the large Iris Peninsula from mainland Ulfrun; the bay shores are often calle the Nuliayoq Isthmus. To the northeast is Nuliayoq Island, 200 km long, largest of the Ki Islands. Like Cape Iris, the bay region is smothered in rainforest much denser than the Amazon.
Nungui Isles: 41 S, 240 E
A cluster of small islands in the Helen Sea (west of Themis). The Nunguis are satellites of larger Chuginadak, to the north. While small, the islands are lush, with huge trees and many unique species.
Nuriet Gulf: 20 N, 245 E
Part of the tangle of east-west capes and gulfs north of Hecate Chasma, west of Asteria. Nuriet Gulf, named for a small crater now drowned under it, is 5-600 km wide--a warm subtropical sea with coral reefs around its fertile shores--mostly open woods, though some northwest slopes have rainforest. To the west is Perchta Peninsula, to the south, the Wyrd Mountains (I do NOT make these names up!), to the east, the Serova Archipelago (whose northernmost island is also named Nuriet) and then Ul'yana Gulf, and to the north, Acrea Island and Cape Sudenitsa. Sound complex? I'm simplifying! As complex as Earth's southeast Asian archipelagoes--and as vulnerable to transformation from modest changes in sea level.
Nyx Mountains: 28 N, 50 E
Mount Nyx and its subsidiary cones are on the south coast of Bell. The range is mantled in dense rainforest, though there's an ecological island of dwarf cloud-forest, ferns-fells, and rocky meadows at the summit of Mt Nyx. Just offshore is an arc of volcanic cones, the Otafuku Islands.
Lake Nzambi: 43 S, 290 E
A lake 300 km long in southern Themis, one of the Low Lakes, a chain of three great lakes. Nzambi is the middle one, below Lake Meiboia and draining in turn into Lake Siduri. Nzambi's shores are Megazoic rainforest.

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Map of terraformed Venus. Mountains are white, highlands gold, lowlands brown.
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